I probably shouldn’t be delving into this thread as it seems to have lost its way. What you’re basically saying is that someone else’s proof may not be proof enough to you. Even with your absent explanation of “I don’t believe it” doesn’t mean it isn’t true. Let’s side step for a second.
The Earth is a supposed 4.some Billion years old. The universe is a supposed 12-14 Billion years old. That’s a 8-10 Billion years of potential civilizations existing, or not existing. Put this in perspective, you have a recollection of events for 30 years or so. Humanities recorded history is some 6000 years long. We’ve existed as a bipedal species for 3 million years.
Who are you to say what is and isn’t plausible? Just because something doesn’t conform with your current perception, does not mean it is impossible. Yes I agree that certain things are easily debunked. But in terms of UFO’s, it’s literally in the name. It’s not calling them extraterrestrial craft. It’s not calling them space craft. It’s literally the Pentagon saying “we don’t know what these are!” Heat signatures that don’t match our current knowledge of craft. Detection through our systems that the crafts are somehow aware we’re watching them. And the speeds at which these objects have moved make the simple explanation like you say “it’s a bird!” easily debunked.
Sometime in the next year, for exactly one minute, I am going to make a single grain of sand glow red. It will be visible from at least 20 feet, assuming it is unobstructed by other grains of sand or anything else that might block the light. Your job is to find it, using any and all technology available to humanity, and then pick it up before that minute is up.
Sounds pretty impossible, doesn't it?
That is still easier than one galactic civilization finding one other. There are more galaxies in the known universe than there are grains of sand on earth. One minute out of one year is actually longer than humanity has existed in comparison to the lifetime of our planet...let alone the entire universe. Furthermore, I'm letting you search for that entire year, which equates to your civilization existing as long as the universe has. In reality, you should be randomly assigned a couple of minutes during the year to search, and if the minute I chose to make the other one glow doesn't overlap, too bad so sad, because our two civilizations didn't exist at the same time. Further-furthermore! When looking through grains of sand, you can move from one to another almost instantly. To make the analogy more realistic, it should take you some minimum amount of time to travel from one grain of sand to another, because barring FTL travel, it takes a LONG time to get from one galaxy to another, let alone checking the entire thing for intelligent life.
Sure, that stipulates that only one civ is looking for only one other. Ok, let's increase the number of searchers (alien civs) to 100. Or 1000. Or hell, a million. We could increase the number of glowing red grains too, but they wouldn't be US. They would just be some other intelligent life, and we're only concerned about someone finding us. With even a million searching for us, what do you think the chances are that one of them happens to be looking in our direction, and is close enough to see it, for that one minute we exist?
But Void, what if those searchers have super-advanced satellites specifically designed to watch all the sand on the planet and detect when it glows red? Then it would be super easy to find it! Assuming that such a breakthrough is possible (because as stated, how do we know what is possible to a race that might have lived billions of years?), to make it realistic, we'd need to stipulate a delay in those satellites such that anything they see is, by definition, already at least several minutes old. Because unless they have also cracked FTL telescopes and/or FTL communications, it doesn't do a damn bit of good if they have a station close enough to see us become intelligent life if they are seeing it thousands of years after it happened, and it takes thousands or millions of years just to receive the message, let alone sending out a ship to come visit us.
I realize that a lot of this will just get hand-waved away with "well obviously they could have technology we know nothing about that would make the search trivial." Ok, but until we know that for a fact, it is literally no different than saying that they have wizards that can teleport across space and time. There's no defense against that argument. So until we discover or see some of those technological advancements for ourselves, all we can go off of is what we know about the physical world. And SO FAR, given what we know and postulate, there is such an infinitesimally small chance of another civ finding us that finding that red grain of sand is actually much, much easier to do.
And yet, millions of people seem to think that they are visiting us on the regular, so much so that they are actually crashing the crafts that somehow got them here from potentially billions of light years away. And either they are still flying them around, letting us take blurry pics and videos, just for fun, or they crashed enough that we somehow reverse-engineered it and are flying some of it around ourselves...again letting us take blurry pics and videos of it no less. Or that somehow we came up with this tech on our own, and somehow we have kept the methods such secrets that not a single instance of concurrent breakthroughs has happened. That happens all the time in other fields, but somehow not here. Some new process or procedure gets invented, and then a shitload of people start thinking of ways to use that for other things. Quite often, several people have the same ideas, and we get multiple inventions being worked on simultaneously, with only the winner being remembered in history. Yet I'm to believe that potentially several military industrial complexes across the globe have access to something like anti-grav tech (in order to be able to produce the results you claim from those videos and eye-witness accounts), and yet not a single person outside of those super-sekret military think tanks is even speculating about how to build it. Let alone trying to get a jump on what would quite literally be a trillion dollar invention overnight. I mean, can you imagine the revolution in the way we do things if anti-gravity (the kind you guys say exists in those craft) actually happened?? If it were even remotely possible today, there would be a mad scramble to be the first to patent it and cash in on it.
Unless, of course, you want me to believe that it is just taken from crashed alien craft. Or gifted to us by friendly aliens.
I have tried to do my best to explain why I think anything alien (or super-advanced human tech) is ridiculous to even consider. Maybe I've obfuscated it with too many words or too many ideas. But no one has given me a better counterpoint than "Well, we just don't know what might be possible for aliens (or super-advanced human tech), so I'm going to go ahead and believe it despite not having anything but inconclusive pics, videos, and eye-witness accounts. That makes more sense to me than it simply being misinterpretations or the herd mentality of people desperate to believe in interdimensional cake eaters because their day-to-day lives are boring and repetitious and uninteresting."
Again, I realize I can't prove a negative, so there is no "proof" that will ever convince someone that wants to believe that I am correct and they are wrong. You guys have the much easier task. All you have to do is prove that something exists. So do it. Prove something. I'm not talking about an hour long TV show that interviews people that say they saw something and shows video that could be any number of things (as Chuk's videos show), and is made to make ad money. Or YouTube videos that speculate and require a level of belief in order for them to make sense. Or people that claim to have seen proof, but don't have any of it to show...or claim to have it, but are afraid to show it (but not afraid to publicize the fact that they supposedly have it).
And if you really want to stop hurting your cause, stop posting shit that any normal reader would assume is you trying to present evidence, only to later post (after everyone shit all over it) "Yeah, it was clearly a fake. I just posted it to show how fake it was." No. No you didn't MFF. If you did, you would have said that in the same post as the "fake" evidence.
With all of this that I say, repeatedly, you guys probably think I'm anti-alien or xenophobic or whatever. That's the furthest thing from the truth. You should be able to gather from how many words I put into these things that I believe very strongly about the subject. I want, so much, for proof of extraterrestrial life to be discovered. Not only do I think it might possibly provide the galvanizing force required for us to finally start working together as a planet, but I also think it would spur our sadly anemic space research and technology to finally be where I imagined it when I was a kid so many years ago watching Star Wars. Proof of advanced alien civilizations would be the best (and potentially most horrifying) thing that could happen to us, in my opinion. So I desperately want it to happen. But blurry videos and dipshits claiming they have alien materials stashed away, but won't show them? Pilots seeing something they can't explain? Instruments giving anomalous results? People on the internet telling me that I just don't know the truth and I'm a sheeple? Yeah, that's gonna be a no from me, dog.