This is somewhat tangential, but it's somewhat relevant and it's personal to me so I can speak with some confidence about the subject: back during 'nam, my father was in the USAF. He lucked out and tested high on the language aptitude test. Got to go to the language school or some shit in Monterrey, CA. (He said it was unbelievable; gorgeous weather, gorgeous women, and easy day-to-day in his classes.)
Anyway, he was one of two dudes picked to learn Russian instead of Vietnamese. He ended up riding in the back of a spy plane working under contract for the NSA spying on the ruskies from the Bering Strait, listening to their comms. His group's entire mission was to use the information gathered from the Russian comms to determine actual assets and numbers of troops, artillery, tanks, etc. They basically determined that the actual number of military assets the russians had were about 1/5th of what was projected at that time.
To think the Russians had a more valuable and effective intelligence service than ours is laughable. Maybe on the human asset level, but technologically? They had 0 way to actually make any of that Intel work for them to get them ahead of the USA.
It's been drunks and boobs all the way down the entire time, just like today.