As a side note, I am extremely skeptical that the US landed on the moon and walked on it. I think some combo of what is said happened but not all of it.

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As a side note, I am extremely skeptical that the US landed on the moon and walked on it. I think some combo of what is said happened but not all of it.
Moronic.Lol you're all over the fucking place dude. Nobody really forced you to take the vaccine and the fact that you took it despite knowing its likely to be bullshit is kind of sad.
As for the Tesla in space, there is no such thing. Also, rockets can't be shot into space either and they've never gone beyond low Earth orbit. I'm not sure how you can be skeptical of the moon landings but still believe mostly everything else they say. We've definitely never been to the moon before so I guess you're somewhat on the right track there.
Nobody held a gun to your head bud. Could've found another job or another place with the same job or come up with a reason why not to get it. People like you are the reason why this world is so easily manipulated by those in power. Nobody is injecting some random ass shit into me for any fucking reason without physically restraining me and doing it against my will. People that are easily compromised are everything that is wrong with this world.Moronic.
I assume that you do not work or don't have a professional job.
Unless you are some kind of idiot, you had to have been aware of the news that if you did not get the vaccine, you would be fired. That was the rule in my city and in many other places.
I am a man and people count on me for survival and so I had to have income and was not stopping my career from advancing due to the Covid mania.
If you weren't in the same situation, then you are not a professional person and/or you do not have responsibilities.
I assume that you do not work or don't have a professional job.
Unless you are some kind of idiot, you had to have been aware of the news that if you did not get the vaccine, you would be fired. That was the rule in my city and in many other places.
I am a man and people count on me for survival and so I had to have income and was not stopping my career from advancing due to the Covid mania.
If you weren't in the same situation, then you are not a professional person and/or you do not have responsibilities.
In addition, it's now been years since the vaccine situation and so it's a nonissue except to people like yourself with a poor grasp of reality.
Meanwhile, you are writing senseless posts about nothing on top of it all.
what is with people like you on forums?
Again, I assume that you have no job or career.Nobody held a gun to your head bud. Could've found another job or another place with the same job or come up with a reason why not to get it. People like you are the reason why this world is so easily manipulated by those in power. Nobody is injecting some random ass shit into me for any fucking reason without physically restraining me and doing it against my will. People that are easily compromised are everything that is wrong with this world.
In fairness, I would have laughed at moon landing deniers my whole life too.
One reason I am skeptical about all of this stuff is because a country would be on red alert if there were legit UFOs hovering around the area.If this is legitimate, it's the best evidence I've seen ever. The video footage looks legit, some of the photos could be non-legit. If the airport really did divert a bunch of flights at the same time and there were numerous eyewitnesses, then this should be easy enough to confirm.
The youtube clip says ABC News at the end but we never actually see the ABC broadcast that we're hearing audio from, so it could just be a talented voiceover.
I think this is legit so I'm trying to rule out the possibility that it isn't.
I think part of it is a lie.In fairness, I would have laughed at moon landing deniers my whole life too.
After the last couple of years, I'm sorry, but that shit is back on the list of "they might have lied about that too". Now that we know they would and we know they can get away with it, the only question is whether they did.
In addition, you have mental illness level concern about something that turned out to be nothing.
I think part of it is a lie.
My guess is that we landed there, but you can't get out of the craft or cameras don't work, so the footage was faked.
Joe Rogan played a clip from a moon landing where two guys and walking and one falls. Something you can't see pulls the guy off the ground like he has a harness on. It's extremely obvious and shocking.
Also, if you read about film and the cameras being used, it's very unlikely that they would have worked. The heat in the sun is very intense and from what I have read the kind of cameras they used might not work or would have very bad challenges.
Recently, NASA said they do not have spacesuits that would work. They will need to research them and spend 3 billion to develop new ones. That's bizarre because we already have them and the task would be to make new ones, not research how to make them.
Similarly, NASA said they "lost the plans" about how to make the rockets. That's because too many different people made them and there was no main plan. Meanwhile, the FBI had 1000 page documents on people like Elvis but they weren't monitoring the Moon landing documents?
There's too much of it that does not sound and look right.
the moon landings was not faked, its been proven many many times, the debris of these missions are still sitting there right now.Yeah, lot of it doesn't make sense. I wouldn't have even thought about questioning the Moon landing until the past year or so. Just seems like we've been lied to about almost everything.
The main thing going for it not being fake, at this point, is that in the 60's and 70's we had actual genius rocket scientists working on all of this stuff. Imported Nazis, and so forth. There was a tight competition with Russia that was bringing out the best in both sides.
In the modern era we're mostly standing on the shoulders of giants, in comparison. I dunno if I'd put anything beyond mid 20th century war-driven ingenuity.
Russia was able to land cameras on Venus in the same timeframe and I'm pretty sure that was real.
Pretty much this. That Joe Rogan episode had some good points, but you can literally see the shit for yourself with the right equipment. Same thing with the flat earth theory people have - you literally see people recording themselves as they jump from extreme heights and you can see the curvature of the world at that height. I also agree that if Aliens existed, the world would be going ape shit over their existence. We would literally be trying to shoot them down / capture them just so we could get the technology they have. I have zero faith in our government not to start an interplanetary war with a higher intelligence species.the moon landings was not faked, its been proven many many times, the debris of these missions are still sitting there right now.
How to See All Six Apollo Moon Landing Sites
Using a series of easy-to-follow maps, you can tour the Moon and relive history as you visit each of the six Apollo landing
the commies were tracking the Apollo missions to see if they actually did reach the moon and it was confirmed. i dont think the Russkies would have kept that secret if it was staged. yeah a lot of people want to believe there is something "out there" , but we still need to resolve our own species and history. its not as clearcut as everyone is being led to believe, too many anomalies that suggest the human race was more advanced and at a much earlier time.Pretty much this. That Joe Rogan episode had some good points, but you can literally see the shit for yourself with the right equipment. Same thing with the flat earth theory people have - you literally see people recording themselves as they jump from extreme heights and you can see the curvature of the world at that height. I also agree that if Aliens existed, the world would be going ape shit over their existence. We would literally be trying to shoot them down / capture them just so we could get the technology they have. I have zero faith in our government not to start an interplanetary war with a higher intelligence species.
A lot of the more outlandish theories are easily disproved with common sense. I think they gain momentum because people are looking for something to believe in, something to be involved with, something to make them feel special in their lifetime. We've explored all the land masses in the world, and anything in space or in the ocean is too cost prohibitive to be involved with on an individual level. People want to do more than just be a cog in a corporate machine / business and theres nothing out there for them anymore.
If I was able to control government spending, a lot of the bureaucratic money laundering shit we do overseas would come to an end and I would dump billions and billions of dollars into privately owned space programs, including Space X. NASA would all but be dissolved. Contracts would ultimately benefit the US by committing any exploration, space mining etc. all to the US. With proper funding, I think they could reach for Mars within a handful of years - but we probably wouldnt see a major return on anything for at least a decade. Knowing the corruption the US faces, they'd run Main Stream Media campaigns night and day to pull the money back away from those programs so we can go back to dumping it into their pockets.. errr.. other countries humanitarian aid. Would have to put some extreme measures in place to keep the programs from being defunded.
Which is the real mystery type of shit that "I" want to learn about. Unlikely that we ever will, but its ultimately more interesting than "Did we really land on the moon?!" when you can literally look through a high powered telescope and see the shit.the commies were tracking the Apollo missions to see if they actually did reach the moon and it was confirmed. i dont think the Russkies would have kept that secret if it was staged. yeah a lot of people want to believe there is something "out there" , but we still need to resolve our own species and history. its not as clearcut as everyone is being led to believe, too many anomalies that suggest the human race was more advanced and at a much earlier time.