Again, this is why I usually don't talk about it. Classic pharmakos -> pharmakeus -> pharmakon trope.Mentally ill people will claim alien abduction, seeing ghosts, etc. as a way to attract attention to themselves. Its attention seeking behavior.
Ghosts and Demons wouldn't be subject to the laws of physics. We also have no means to measure or test against them. That doesnt mean there isnt a way, we just havent found it yet. I have a feeling that the LHC stuff could help in that reguard but they would never use it for fringe science.
If any of you go to Victoria, BC, Canada You'll encounter them all over the downtown, up in the windows, in the old hotels and especially in the old hangman's square. They hung many a dumbass in that city back in the day.
Have any of you experienced the flying orbs in videos/photos?
Nice boobs but that 12 pack is wack yo
Found your twitter bro.
Why you gotta lie bro? We're all frens here, you can tell us about your spooky buddies.Sounds like the kind of BS you'd be into, not me
Stop projecting, bro.
Why you gotta lie bro? We're all frens here, you can tell us about your spooky buddies.
Ghosts and Demons wouldn't be subject to the laws of physics. We also have no means to measure or test against them. That doesnt mean there isnt a way, we just havent found it yet. I have a feeling that the LHC stuff could help in that reguard but they would never use it for fringe science.
If any of you go to Victoria, BC, Canada You'll encounter them all over the downtown, up in the windows, in the old hotels and especially in the old hangman's square. They hung many a dumbass in that city back in the day.
Have any of you experienced the flying orbs in videos/photos?
You should go sometime. It's great fun.Today:
4 years ago:
Yeah no shit it was a strange situation if you are subconsciously embellishing your grandmother abducting you to alien abduction.Nice try homie but that would have been very strange with my living situation. Rarely saw my grandma. She wouldn't come in the middle of the night. I was a smart enough kid and traumatized enough not to immediately go with her in such a weird situation.
I'm talking 3rd or 4th grade homie, I was like 9 or 10 already hacking Game Genie and shit. I was a thinker.
You literally posted that it was your Grandmother and you immediately went with her.The alien that took me was able to peacefully lead me to the backyard by making me think it was my grandmother.
aliens with immense physics bending technology are picking up random kids for reasons?