Watcher of Overs
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Yea in a billion years or so, people will dig them up and use them up to give them some kind of combat benefit
they hid it all on Doggerland.I'm just waiting for someone to say that when they decided to forbid tech that they pushed it off the side of flat Earth.
That is how I will know we have hit full retard.
Khalid or Gavin always throws that guy in my face whenever i bring up ancient high tech. making megaliths is easy, even a redneck can do it by himself in his backyard! yeah no, no explanation how ancient culture SAWED blacks of granite, transported them hundreds of miles to be fitted in a pyramid in the space of 30-40 years.
12 Wondrous Facts about the Great Pyramid of Giza
Hawking close to his death made some kind of comment about the comprehension of space. I think he likened it to something along the lines of like humans trying to understand space is like an ant trying to understand a city. The scale is just so inconceivable and "impossible" to understand that our brains are simply incapable of it. Like, it's literally impossible to comprehend, even if we wanted to.
I dunno though, space is the one gigantic WTF.
Water shaft theory explains it pretty well. I'm not sure how academically accepted it is though. But the Pyramids were in a really unique location allowing for a mega-structure. Most other ancient large structures were much smaller due to needing gravity tools to move things.
Those aren't made up of stars....they are made up of whole galaxies, billions of stars each. And to think--I don't think most people, myself included, can fully grasp how large just the sun is...Its one of those chill up your back moments when you let your mind go on it. (Especially those voids, those voids freak me out even knowing most disturbed matter with attractive equalities ends up with the same kind of clumping effect.)
this, i used to entertain those ET theories in my 20s, then i realized how incalculably massive the universe is and then understood that means how insignificant we are that no ET is visiting us when there is so much other stuff out there. those "UFO" footage videos that keep popping up are likely the result of some natural phenomena we haven't discovered yet. i'd believe ball lightning before i'd believe little green men are trolling us in their flying saucers.I gave up trying to explain to my family the vastness of space. They'll make comments like "It's hard to believe if aliens did exist that we haven't discovered them by now." They have no understanding of how immense the distances are between the stars. Hell, trying to explain that stars in the sky are the same type of objects as our Sun is difficult for them to grasp.
this, i used to entertain those ET theories in my 20s, then i realized how incalculably massive the universe is and then understood that means how insignificant we are that no ET is visiting us when there is so much other stuff out there. those "UFO" footage videos that keep popping up are likely the result of some natural phenomena we haven't discovered yet. i'd believe ball lightning before i'd believe little green men are trolling us in their flying saucers.
Yeah, I dont see the conspiracy here. Again, its fucking slave labor coupled with time, under whip and chain you could make any rough stone smooth as babies ass. And if one fails, kill him and make the next one do it right. Who knows how they erected the monoliths, yet they stand. People been erecting stone monoliths for a long fucking time. Fear of some god coming down and smiting your people would be enough to drive people to do crazy shit like they did all throughout history.
I mean fuck, look at rome and what they accomplished some 1000 yrs later. The tools were not any better, yeah maybe they had iron and steel, but they erected shit thats mindblowing without the use fo modern tools. shit, look at greece, before romans.
Well you're not giving me much to work with. I think there might be a simpler explanation for some pretty nice stone work done in ancient times than a much more ancient modern civilization that somehow left no trace of its existence except for said stonework and I'm the one being unreasonable?
If this stuff was built by an "advanced society" why is there no evidence of modern technology in any of them? Shouldn't there be some remnants of the 60 ton diesel powered crane that they used to lift those blocks, or at least like a single piece of steel somewhere? Shouldn't one of those carvings show an iPhone or at least something more advanced than a handbag?
This is actually a good watch, it's extremely meticulous and informative in it's own right.
What, in your opinion, is the most impressive example of these ancient structures that would necessitate a power greater than ancient humans to manage? Would you say it's carving out these blocks, transporting them, raising them or setting them?The conspiracy is that it's literally impossible for humans to have accomplished what they did regardless of man power or time. It's simply and literally a physical impossibility. You CANNOT move 1,000 ton blocks with manpower alone. You CANNOT carve diorite/granite with space age precision without space age technology.