The Paranormal, UFO's, and Mysteries of the Unknown


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Luna is gullible, uncritical, and eager to draw (and share) conclusions. She's perfect for keeping this OP going.

Don't forget that she looks like Gabriella Hall. That counts for a lot. Guys who were teenagers in the early 2000's know what I'm talkin' about.

I think it's a big assumption to think the president is clued in on everything, especially a non-establishment president that the establishment roundly rejects. If the guy can't even get concrete information on how many troops we still have in Syria, you think they're gonna tell him what's going on in our most top-secret sites?

At this point I think it's more likely that the establishment doesn't know what "they" are either, but knows that they're seeing a lot of things that defy explanation. And they're probably willing to tell the president that much, regardless.
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<Gold Donor>
I'd make up some shit just to get some private time with Luna too.

It would probably be more believable as well.
  • 1Worf
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Tell someone with the power to make an emergency broadcast? Get the fuck outta here.
Remember: Three can keep a secret, if two of them are dead.


what Suineg set it to
Question: why does it matter if there are aliens? Regardless of if they don't make themselves known to us or don't exist, they do basically the same thing.
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Egg Nazi
Why aliens? The whole alien thing is because people want to believe theres more to life than what we see around us on Earth, but don't want to believe in a God because they don't like any restrictions on their behavior. So they invent a "something else out there" that doesnt require them to change their behavior.


<Gold Donor>
I've said it before, but I don't think it is necessarily needing to believe in something more. I think it is the need for lower-IQ people to "know" something that us smarter people don't. Some of you maybe don't see it as much because you don't work around retards for years, but in general we're probably some of the smarter people wherever we work, right? Casually we drop knowledge about things, or solve problems others struggle with, or even just finish something faster than everyone else. After a lifetime of seeing people around them exhibiting those "smart" characteristics and recognizing the lack within themselves, the not so smart individuals latch onto anything that they can that appears to give knowledge that others don't have. It could be MLM scams that they are convinced will get them rich, or the latest diet/exercise craze (vegan, crossfit, "oh lawdy I'm allergic to the glutens!" etc.), sometimes even religion. Aliens fall into that category, because no one can prove them wrong, and it gives them an opportunity to put forth information that no one else is, even if it could be complete horseshit. They work themselves into believing it because now they can feel just as smart as those of us that actually are smart.

Sure, some of them do it because they want there to be more to life, but I think those are the "smarter" people who are just deluding themselves into it. Or recognize a grift when they see it. But even the numerous grifters are just a tiny fraction. And some think they actually experienced something, sure, but I think most people just hear it from someone else and think it sounds plausible.

If you look at polls that I can't find right now, a very large percentage of people believe in aliens, ghosts, squatches, etc. Way more than seems reasonable, given the TOTAL lack of evidence for any of it. But then think about how dumb the average IQ person is...and consider half of all people are actually dumber than that. Lots of them are just smart enough to realize they are dumb and be a little upset about that, and they desperately want to not be dumb. Aliens is perfect. So is joining Amway and telling all of your neighbors that you've found the secret to getting rich, or that drinking piss will cure cancer.

I truly believe this is why the majority of them believe the things they do.
  • 1Worf
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Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
I've said it before, but I don't think it is necessarily needing to believe in something more. I think it is the need for lower-IQ people to "know" something that us smarter people don't. Some of you maybe don't see it as much because you don't work around retards for years, but in general we're probably some of the smarter people wherever we work, right? Casually we drop knowledge about things, or solve problems others struggle with, or even just finish something faster than everyone else. After a lifetime of seeing people around them exhibiting those "smart" characteristics and recognizing the lack within themselves, the not so smart individuals latch onto anything that they can that appears to give knowledge that others don't have. It could be MLM scams that they are convinced will get them rich, or the latest diet/exercise craze (vegan, crossfit, "oh lawdy I'm allergic to the glutens!" etc.), sometimes even religion. Aliens fall into that category, because no one can prove them wrong, and it gives them an opportunity to put forth information that no one else is, even if it could be complete horseshit. They work themselves into believing it because now they can feel just as smart as those of us that actually are smart.

Sure, some of them do it because they want there to be more to life, but I think those are the "smarter" people who are just deluding themselves into it. Or recognize a grift when they see it. But even the numerous grifters are just a tiny fraction. And some think they actually experienced something, sure, but I think most people just hear it from someone else and think it sounds plausible.

If you look at polls that I can't find right now, a very large percentage of people believe in aliens, ghosts, squatches, etc. Way more than seems reasonable, given the TOTAL lack of evidence for any of it. But then think about how dumb the average IQ person is...and consider half of all people are actually dumber than that. Lots of them are just smart enough to realize they are dumb and be a little upset about that, and they desperately want to not be dumb. Aliens is perfect. So is joining Amway and telling all of your neighbors that you've found the secret to getting rich, or that drinking piss will cure cancer.

I truly believe this is why the majority of them believe the things they do.

Are you saying MusicForFish MusicForFish is low IQ?


<Gold Donor>
Are you saying MusicForFish MusicForFish is low IQ?


Ultra Maga Instinct
<Prior Amod>
Will you grouchy old faggots quit bitching and let us be programmed for the fake alien invasion totalitarian control scheme?

christopher lloyd stutter GIF
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