I only came to this thread to post a video and as I did I saw the last paragraph of your post
I knew it had to be a Rajaah post as soon as I read it
Dr. Jon T. Kosloski
fake and gay - other than an initial jump scare no one would full sprint from this thing
Did you drink too much Bull Semen today?
It's well known that PNWers are usually high on drugs as they prowl the streets.
This would cause more than a few to shit their pants at night.
Written as if you chill in the streets at night in a PNW town without a massive junkie problem.I live in the pnw fuckwad, no one would react like this and whoever made the vid would never do that to some dude half way up 100 ft of stairs that could easily freak and fall. Congrats on getting got, yet again.
Written as if you chill in the streets at night in a PNW town without a massive junkie problem.
You should leave your pitcher of bull semen at your house and go out on the streets of any of the PNW cities before making such an inaccurate claim about potential comedic pranks you sad ignorant bastard.
You're tryin too hard. Try again tomorrow. Fucking dumbass.Lol why would I go to a city. Aren’t you in portland or something? No wonder you’re such a schizo retard. This is still fake even for you retarded gay city degens.
You're tryin too hard. Try again tomorrow. Fucking dumbass.