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Hmm.. maybe I should try reading the forums, and not just check my subscriptions.

Hmm.. maybe I should try reading the forums, and not just check my subscriptions.
These guys are touring right now. Caught the second show of the tour last night here in SF. Go see this. You must. Holy shit. What a freak show.When I found out Marco Minnemann and Guthrie Govan dropped out of the Steven Wilson tour for another band they're involved in, I had to check it out. And damn, this is some really good prog.
They have that indefinable something that gives them a unique sound. I listened to a couple on YouTube, excellent stuff!From Orange County, CA. Painted Wives. Hard to describe.. I get a Mastodon meets Alice in Chains vibe from them for some reason. They're unsigned, but have a CD out on their own label.