That spoiler is true from what I've read, dude was a super badass.
After the bear attack, he smashed a rattlesnake to death with a rock and ate it, then crawled\walked\hobbled in the freezing snow for 250 miles to the village. Prior to that he had been hung up next to his friend, who was shot up with pine needles and burned alive.
EditAlso, it probably didn't make a lot of sense to end the movie with him tracking down both men and not killing one because he was so pathetic and not killing the other because he joined the army
That's a bold statement right there. Fury Road was badass (Anything is better than Star Wars: Disney Princess so that isn't saying much)....and it kicks the shit out of S(J)W Disney princess. This is up there with MMFR.
Yea i'm still blown away by that bear scene. Fucken epic.I enjoyed the grit of the story. I did not enjoy the bullshit where hypothermia would have easily killed him. During that river scene all I could think of was how dead he was already. Still worth watching even if it was hollywooded up a bit. The bear scene was $$$$. That part alone was amazing.
I think putting cinematography before story left it a bit of a dud.i felt like inarritu's obsession with the light for filming and huge departures from the true life events, created like an inverse fury road. all this amazing imagery and focus on communicating the rawness of the character through the environment left what is probably one of the most powerful stories of survival in the west, a bit of a dud.