The Secret World


Golden Knight of the Realm
Well, I got a chance to play with the settings last night. I was about an ISO download away from reloading my laptop with Win7 as apparently Funcom doesn't have a plan of supporting Win8 and this is a fairly widespread problem. I think I was concerned too much about the overall FPS number rather than how the game performed. I thought I had tried it before, but I switched to DX9. There wasn't really too large of a FPS improvement, perhaps 10%. However, I was able to do two dungeons last night and maintain my open world FPS rate.

With that said, the 2nd and 3rd dungeons are pretty fun to run through. I wasn't so attached to Hell Raised (2nd), it just didn't completely work for me. The Darkness Wars (3rd) went well. I had an opportunity to go with an experienced group the first time and they were good about going over mechanics. My second time through I was the most experienced person and we were able to run through. These dungeons are definitely quick quick quick.


Try nudging "Effects Detail" down to 3.8. If performance drops as you play, reload the ui using either /reloadui or ctrl+shift+f1.

The first three dugeons can be done in 10 minutes each, the others 20 minutes and Facility/Hell Fallen usually over 30 minutes.


Anyone have a noob guide for this game? I played for like 2 hours in beta so know absolutely nothing.

Been feeling the itch to play a MMO but so bored of everything out there, I thought I'd give this a try.


As far as noob stuff goes, just research builds. It's VERY easy to fuck yourself build wise, but the good news is that you can go back and farm quests you've already done (24 hour reset) for more AP if you need to fix your build.

I'm taking a break because I got stuck on that stupid three-way fight in Shangri-La and all my shit's broken.


Recommendations on solo build?. I'm looking at fist/chaos right now but honestly have no idea since I don't remember what the playstyles felt like.


Stop being a fucking retard, qwerty. It's a confusing game to build for, figuring out synergies and shit. I'd rather a new player ask for help and not gimp themselves to the point they don't have fun playing.

Basically, for leveling, you want one DPS weapon and one of either tanking or self-healing, for some survivability. Look for things that synergize well; for example, fist and chaos would mostly synergize through impair, which is sub-optimal. Check out this chart:


I'd try to figure out a combo you like that synergizes through either weaken (my favorite since it has beneficial side effects) or afflict.
No you are the retard. I played it without knowing anything about it whatsoever. And I was doing well by myself and built a solid heal build within 2 days. You people are a bunch of low IQ morons who can't do anything for yourselves any more. Why even bother playing games when you start looking for guides before you even logged in. Fucking dumb bastards.

I could understand with something obtuse and old like UO or something, but TSW? If you can't work out how to play this game you seriously need to worry more about living your daily life without electrocuting yourself and getting run over every 5 minutes.


Jumping into a year old game knowing nothing at all can suck. It is nice to know *something* about the game. I don't care about leveling guides or that kind of shit, but tips to make ones life easier helps.


Ignore qwerty, he gets all fired up when he makes it out of the rickshaw for half an hour.

Figure out one weapon that appeals to you, then look at that table and the skills themselves to try to figure out some good synergies.
Ignore qwerty, he gets all fired up when he makes it out of the rickshaw for half an hour.
Sure ignore me if you want to be clueless forever. This game has a month's worth of gameplay at the most anyway, and it's all very easy. Get yourself a guide and steal somebody elses build (who probably just copied it off me) and you can narrow that down to 2 weeks. Great work.

Maybe if you could find some hacks or something you could get it down to 1 day, or you know, just don't bother even playing, that is the easiest option of all.

Figure out one weapon that appeals to you, then look at that table and the skills themselves to try to figure out some good synergies.
Wait, so now you are telling them to figure it out themselves after telling me I'm a retard for suggesting the same thing?


Duppin's info was perfect, that's honestly all I wanted. The build paths are intimidating when you first start the game, it is nice to know what synergizes and then figure shit out from them.

What servers have decent populations these days?


Avatar of War Slayer
actually i sort of agree with qwerty (god help me)

duppin says to get one dps weapon and one tank / heal weapon, but that's an indicator of how much he does not know. ALL weapons are dps, but each one either has a support, heal, or tank path as well. you don't JUST synergize in two weapons... there will be several passives from other weapon trees that are optimal for your build.

although figuring out the tree and making your own builds is part of the game, i can understand some people not wanting to play that part of the game.


It was an oversimplification, because that's what I felt was merited for someone just starting out.

As far as passive synergies, you're right and that's why I suggested looking at the abilities themselves, to figure that stuff out.

qwerty just saw an opportunity to be a dick, at least I was trying to help.


ummm querty has the biggest guide in this thread and maybe the whole forum. Thats what i used when i started this game. you would see it if u bothered to read page 3 or whatever. But u rather troll him and get him shawed.

but some people just want to be hand held through everything. they will spend days asking for help when in that time they could have done everything themselves. when u play the game the chat is filled with people like that , constantly asking for help on every little minute thing.

people need to learn to read and stop being so helpless.