The Secret World


Anyone still playing TSW? PTS on TESO was down and then had a long download time for a patch so I fired up TSW after about a year away from the game.

May play for a couple more weeks until TESO launches. I am in Savage Coast area and not seeing many other players. I guess that means not many new players around.


Tranny Chaser
Is it still running? Thought the management got arrested for fraud or something.


Molten Core Raider
Yeah it's still running. Hasn't been any new stuff in a long time, Tokyo supposed to come out in the next month or two.


I think it is great if you can catch it on sale for $10 or less. Not a lot of depth of content but fun mechanics, lore, and dungeons. Just not enough content!
First three zones of TSW are fantastic as are the last three mission packs they put out. Give it a month or so. highly worth a playthrough.


Curious if I'm the only one like this about this game or maybe someone else ran into this quirk/style of game problem.

I enjoyed it at launch even with the bugs , and someone months ago gave it another shot starting over completely. I didn't mind starting over as I really enjoy the initial areas.

Both times I got stuck in Egypt. Not meaning I couldn't progress, but just lost complete interest after a night or two of gamplay in Egypt and never went back. There was just something about the gameplay/area in there I didn't enjoy like I did in the areas before.


Trakanon Raider
Solomon Island is definitely the most well crafted area in terms of lore, storylines etc.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I loved playing through this game. In terms of areas, the starting island was hands down my favorite. It was a blast to uncover that story line. Egypt was probably my least favorite. Gave me too much of a Diablo II 2nd act vibe.

I would say playing through this game once is the minimum you should do. As a stand alone single player game it was really fun. If you actually enjoy the raiding / progression style in the game, which I did not, you may be able to take it farther.

Their class / skill system is still my favorite out of an MMO.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Curious if I'm the only one like this about this game or maybe someone else ran into this quirk/style of game problem.

I enjoyed it at launch even with the bugs , and someone months ago gave it another shot starting over completely. I didn't mind starting over as I really enjoy the initial areas.

Both times I got stuck in Egypt. Not meaning I couldn't progress, but just lost complete interest after a night or two of gamplay in Egypt and never went back. There was just something about the gameplay/area in there I didn't enjoy like I did in the areas before.
Its not you. Its a huge swath of players that quit at Egypt. I had an entire group of friends and only one kept playing through Egypt. The game is good, but I just felt like Egypt was forced content. I often thought something was suppose to happen before Egypt that would lead up to it. Yet it was never implemented or scrapped. The game being Buy to Play though, makes it forgivable.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm passed Egypt, but there was an odd frission there. Yeh yeh, I'm about to break out garbage about the differences between MMOs and something closer to reality, but I think it really does take it's toll.

The first zones, you have, theoretically, every body who's ever died on that island, and every person who ever died at see. The never-ending horde of zombies seems somewhat plausible.

But in Egypt: sitting and watching a suicide attack every 10 seconds (which, even in INGAME time is what, every minute?)... Even counting the area the cultists control, they'd wipe themselves out of existence in only a couple of days. A base right under the town you can do nothing about... Leaders taking prisioners RIGHT in front of your eyes that the game won't even let you try to rescue, etc etc.

For me, that area seemed so overwhelmingly artificial that it was a slog to push through to Trans.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I'm another that loved playing through the content in this game, did it at launch, then came back around Halloween to start a new character and went up through all the new content. Egypt definitely is the most disjointed(?) feeling, I really enjoyed the over-arcing questline involving the statues, but many missions are just complete throwaways. Quite a few also seemed to take a ton of running around as well, or were just long slogs through tons of mobs.

Still really enjoyed my time with it, but the end game completely turned me off after I ran through all the dungeons a few times on nightmare.


<Gold Donor>
Egypt had its moments but they were spaced out to the point where I ended up rushing towards the end and just cheesing the last boss to move on. I agree that nothing in the game felt as fleshed out as the first zone. Even being in mostly the same setting for all three areas I kept forgetting that it was still the same zone they managed to mix in so many different stories and atmospheres. There's so much good and so much bad in this game.


Molten Core Raider
The second egypt zone was cool, the one that is a big circle with the african diety dolls and stuff. It's all worth it to get to Transylvania though, Trans zones were great, really felt like a big shift from Solomon islands. I hope Tokyo don't suck d.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
The second egypt zone was cool, the one that is a big circle with the african diety dolls and stuff. It's all worth it to get to Transylvania though, Trans zones were great, really felt like a big shift from Solomon islands. I hope Tokyo don't suck d.
I'm going to silently hate you if you encourage me to play past Egypt just to see what you're talking about. The following zones are really worth it? Keep in mind that Egypt encouraged me to quit.


Trakanon Raider
In my opinion Transylvania is better than Egypt but worse than Solomon's Island in terms of immersion/lore/story/environment.

I really liked some of the characters in Transylvania whereas none of the ones in Egypt were very interesting. I liked the whole Callisto/Mara/Vlad background stories.


Weird - I loved Egypt... the zone I mostly hated was Blue Mountain. Maybe I just don't like that kind of lore but man... I couldn't get out fast enough.

Its free and you can play at least up to the Haunted House - great story line.


Its free and you can play at least up to the Haunted House - great story line.
Are you referring to Franklin Mansion and if so which storyline? I'm in that zone now and did the main story quest and the sabotage quest from there that led you to the mine. Think Eleanor Franklin still has a regular quest and an investigative quest I can do. In the Funcom Store there is a Franklin Mansion scenario to purchase but I don't know exactly what those are.


I saw this thread had some action so I thought I'd ask a question. I started this game two different times. Once when it first came out and then I started all over when it appeared on Steam. Both times I had a really good time in the first zone. I found it challenging enough to make me pay attention to where I was running but easy enough to be fun. And then I went to the second zone with the amusement park and died constantly in that zone both times through. Each time I quit before finishing that zone because I found it too hard to be fun. Do you all think I was playing a bad spec? Did I miss an in between zone somewhere? Am I just bad? I enjoyed the first zone so much that I keep hoping there is something I had missed that would explain the difference in experience and make it worth me trying again. Did anyone else have this experience?