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i bought this two pack for like 7bucks
KOLTGOO Car Safety Hammer Emergency Escape Tool Life Saving Survival Kit 2 Pack Fluorescent Color Car Window Glass Breaker and Seat Belt Cutter
it replaced the old red ones i, and usually they have the seatbelt cutter at the end
i think it might be an easy way to get cut, so the yellow ones are not only longer for more leverage, the seatbelt cover is where the hand is at, i double stick to the driver side of the door (down low where ppl usually put junk), handle up.
i also have auto rated fire extinquisers (they need to be able to handle all kinds of fires)
First Alert Fire Extinguisher | Car Fire Extinguisher, Red, AUTO5
i put this on the passenger seat where you adjust the seat sliding in out. it maybe makes a really heavy passenger uncomfortable, but fuck it putting a fire extinquisher in the trunk is just as stoopid, you want ready access to it, if you're stuck in the front seat, OR if some one rear ends you and your trunk is disabled.
i also have a barbie baseball metal bat under the passenger seat, again you don't want to confront someone and go "lemme go beep beep and open the trunk to fuck your shit up". Nope, gotta have ready access to it
why barbie? well it's not really a weapon if it's a girls toy right? it's still a metal fucking bat and will fuck shit up.
of course in my trunk i also have a small go bag with minor survival clothes bars and waterbottles, a separate first aid kit and a separate maintenance bag.
actually Menards had a cool sale this week, a bag of wrenches for 2bucks after rebate, i picked up 2 for both cars
i don't have a full mechanics set for either, just 1 adjustable wrench and a gator socket.
Instead of just not wearing your seat belt, be prepared instead.
Those window breakers don't really work with the modern cars that have laminated side widows. Most 2017+ models from what I've read are required to have the lamination. Check your window corners, it should say tempered or laminated.
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