That's what I thought he meant. "Checked" the Snow. Snowchecked.Yea, I assumed the guy meant test drive in the snow or some bullshit.
I had already explained it. It's a deposit. Same goes for snowmobiles.I need some clarification, when you bought a spot in line, is that like a deposit that goes towards the purchase of the item? Or did you literally give the company $500 just so you can pay full price at a later date for something?
and yes, referring to it as "snowchecked" and then not explaining what that means but instead being passive aggressive and posting a "let me google that for you" link is why that guy is getting shit.
You know nothing john snewSupporting a product through Kickstarter is inherently different than paying for a spot in line to buy something when it comes in stock. I couldn't give less of a shit about what anyone wants to spend their own money on, but this is the "Shit I just bought" thread, not the "Shit I just bought a spot in line to (hopefully) buy in the future" thread. And then that fucking guy pulls the "derp I have more moniez than u" when he gets called on his shit.
Is it a pain to clean? I always end up going back to my shit magic bullet because all i have to do is spray off the blades and throw the cup in the dishwasher. It is terrible at frozen fruit though.Bought this for my wife for her birthday. We busted it open and started using it last night. Fucking awesome
Nothing like being able to make frozen sherbert just by tossing in nothing but frozen fruit(complete with stems, seeds, peels, etc), or cooking soup right in the device. 2HP engine, it's more powerful than my lawnmower. Thing could probably liquefy a brick.
Do you have to disassemble the blades/bottom? Im kind of a clean freak so my blender usually ends up in all 5 pieces for cleaning.They specifically tell you to not use the dishwasher, but all you do to clean it is fill it half full of warm water, put in a couple squirts of dish soap, and then run it on high for 30 seconds. Has worked great so far, made ice cream and smoothies last night, cleaned it like a champ.
The manual also says that if you want to sterilize it once in a while, just do the same but with a tbsp of liquid bleach instead of soap. Damn thing spins so fast its like a tornado of water and soapsuds inside, it scrapes everything off the sides and cleans real well. Then I just dump it and rinse it and done.
Just wear a bread bag over that foot if it rainsThis thread should be renamed to "Rerolled's 1% - Brag about spending money to stand in lines"
You want to know what shit I just bought? I bought black electrical tape to cover a hole in my black work shoes because I can't afford to buy new shoes and there isn't a god damn cobbler in my shitty town.
why buy a stethoscope if you aren't a doctor?I bought a new standard stethoscope, Littmann Classic II SE. I throw them away too often. It was $100. How will I eat this month?
No, you never disassemble the blades from the container with a Vitamix, it's all 1 unit. They actually sell different blades(one for wet/frozen stuff, one for dry chopping like herbs and coffee) and it consists of buying a whole new plastic container with the new blade attached. Theres basically nothing to take apart with the vitamix(unless it's for repairs or something)Do you have to disassemble the blades/bottom? Im kind of a clean freak so my blender usually ends up in all 5 pieces for cleaning.
Well I'm soldNo, you never disassemble the blades from the container with a Vitamix, it's all 1 unit. They actually sell different blades(one for wet/frozen stuff, one for dry chopping like herbs and coffee) and it consists of buying a whole new plastic container with the new blade attached. Theres basically nothing to take apart with the vitamix(unless it's for repairs or something)
I actually bought this last week but have yet to give it a Omega J8006 Nutrition Center Juicer - Black and Chrome: Kitchen DiningNo, you never disassemble the blades from the container with a Vitamix, it's all 1 unit. They actually sell different blades(one for wet/frozen stuff, one for dry chopping like herbs and coffee) and it consists of buying a whole new plastic container with the new blade attached. Theres basically nothing to take apart with the vitamix(unless it's for repairs or something)
the friction of the blade spinning is so strong, that it'll eventually boil water if you let it run for like 5-6 minutes. It cooks soup just from the friction of the blade in the liquid.
Nazi retirement benefits through your parents?I bought a new standard stethoscope, Littmann Classic II SE. I throw them away too often. It was $100. How will I eat this month?