huh i never heard of this game
i should do a sopranos rewatch soon
in the meantime, someone has combined skyrim and sopranos
I laughed hard one of the times that Tony was yelling at Bobby. "Don't lean on my truck. You'll flip it the fuck over."
I mean, that line has stuck with me since it first aired... I probably have the wording wrong, but I still remember it.
no surprise, dave chase intended for tony to be dead in the finale
rewatching on and off now, show holds up really well. its bizarre to me there are virtually no shows (maybe network shows, i dunno but none on streaming services) that are simple, slow burn, people sit and talk kinda shows like Sopranos. shit is moving at 100x the speed now, like every writer is on adderall
His zero to shouting was always perfect.
no surprise, dave chase intended for tony to be dead in the finale
rewatching on and off now, show holds up really well. its bizarre to me there are virtually no shows (maybe network shows, i dunno but none on streaming services) that are simple, slow burn, people sit and talk kinda shows like Sopranos. shit is moving at 100x the speed now, like every writer is on adderall