So I watched Ep 1,2,3 and 13. Of the 4 I watched 1 was by far the best and it was horrible.
I don't watch many shows, I mean I can name probably 20 series I watch a year on various channels and what I saw of this was by far the worst I ever actually sat through.
Why am I bringing that up in a thread of already it sucks posts?
I feel something about this was just off. It wasn't like I watched it and went, hey this is bad. It was I was watching it and by the first commercial break I was already cleaning up my desk, or looking at bills, or scooping a litter box, and shit like that. Stuff I would normally hate to do but found more interesting than this show, and that was before I even made it in 10 minutes into a episode.
Edit- I should add...
Why did I even bother then?
Because I love virus, zombie, vampire, sci fi stuff. This was/is literally the first vampire type show I just completely hated.