The books, as boring as they were, made a great deal of effort to focus on the biological vectors of their style of vampirism. So if he had bit the CDC guys on the plane, if they didn't scream they would just collapse and the CDC would probably quarantined in reaction. Just leave it to be one of the vehicles of the show. But on that same note, it took how long and the morgue bodies waltzing out of the place didn't tip a bell?Peter Russo definitely does better acting bald than with glue hair ! On a more serious note, I didn't like most scenes, probably because it's a pilot and some scenes probably got axed, which makes them kind of cheesy. Like going full federal quarantine on some plane but unloading a mysterious 7ft tall wood coffin is okay enough ? Also that badass vampire couldn't just wait for CDC people and infect them in the plane ? I don't know, most of the scenes look silly. Maybe they'll get their stuff straight on the next episodes.
I feel like Tom Savini should play this guy. Maybe it was just Lost commando dude's handle bars that made me think that though.I had sort of blocked it out, but the rat catcher guy was far and away the best part of the first book. Glad they got someone big and imposing to play him.