both blacksails and spartacus were STARZ, both are solid 7/8's the strain is just shit. as ppl have said b4, jew van helsing WTF! he can charm a fucking court judge to give him back his katana on a stick!
again, this is in ny, if you have a knife on you, and you're not a us citizen you goto jail! seriously, that's the law, but he's able to walk out of the courtroom with a 4ft sword.
yet as stated b4, the second he has a chance to just convince someone with authority, who is inquisitive about what he has to say.
nope, fuck you language
basically, burn them, burn them to hell! oh you don't want to burn them? well then just burn them!
all he had to say was "look, this is hard to believe, but i know you've experienced some weird things, which is why you'll at least entertain the notion that vampires, maybe/might exist, and that maybe you'll believe i'm a jew van helsing, oh and since you're basically the second in command of the CDC investigation, you wanna see this living heart in a jar that drinks blood i keep in the dungeon of my pawn shop?"
or just say, worms? did you find them? they'll be in the victims, oh and jelly blood? that too, you know thats not normal right? burn them!