Trakanon Raider
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- 714
This, imo, is what's wrong with the whole younger generation. This sense of political correctness, that you can't say anything offensive, and that you can't be direct to someone.
I don't know the guy. I gave my honest opinion. It wasn't the nicest because he hasn't taken any sort of accountability for his situation, and continually blames other factors for his misfortunes. Until he does that, he won't be able to correct his current trajectory. We all get in tough spots, he's not unique in that. What's different is he can't see where he is the problem. Again, a flat tire is not an excuse not to show up to work. Most of us would have found a way to work-around that. Barring that, most of us would have communicated with our boss to let them know the situation, and that being late was excusable, but not a common occurence.
What does being nicer give him? Coddling him? It gets him to where he is now. A false sense of self. "Hey buddy, that sucks, I feel for you bro, things will get better". "Dude, you're smarter than this, you'll find a solution". That might make me sound like a nicer guy, but that won't help him get any closer to getting a job. What he needs is solid advice. Whether he takes it or not is up to him.
Solid advice: Next time something obstructive happens, like getting a flat tire, try to find a solution around it. Again, you could have called a taxi, Uber, or had someone bring you to work. It was your first day of work, first impressions are important. Second piece of solid advice: For your first day of work especially, plan ahead, wake up early, show interest in your job. Make a good impression.
If you guys get butthurt over that, I don't know what to say. I'm not trying to be friends or make nice with the guy. I'm genuinely trying to help him. His OP is so full of mistakes that he can't even see. Being nice to him isn't going to help him see them. Come on......not showing up to work because you don't want to pay a parking permit? If you don't call him out on that, he's just bound to repeat his mistakes. If he doesn't see that as a mistake, then that's on him. He fucked up, and he can get indignant, but if he doesn't realize how he fucked up, he's just going to keep spinning his wheels.
You are correct but I also think that your post tilted more towards the advice side of things and Big P and Gunnar's posts tilted more towards insults than advice though. I know plenty of people (generally referred to as "haters") who like to use "advice" as a cover for insulting you because it makes them feel better. I mean, regardless, people shouldn't let a few dickish comments bring them down anymore than they should let flat tires and miscommunication get in the way of their livelihood.
If you are really interested in helping someone out though, sometimes it is better if you don't call them a piece of shit while doing it.... just saying.