The Tanoubliette: Pussy Hurt and Delusions or TTPHAD for short.

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Unelected Mod
Tanoomba is so butthurt that he gets called the sexist after whiteknighting for so long.

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
I report racism if I think it's not a joke and it bothers me enough. I announce it if I feel like it. Think I've only done it for you and Mist because you guys embarrass me as a liberal so I feel compelled to publicly distance myself from you.
Hmm. I must try harder.


Ssraeszha Raider
Oh, I don't think anybody's about to consider you and me in the same boat, sport. No need to make up shit to be upset about just to get that point across.
I'm not upset. You went out of your way to specifically bring me up out of the blue in a thread I hadn't even posted in. Seems like you're suffering from some sort of posterior perturbation.

Try not to be racist in the future.


Seb: "Try not to be racist in the future."

Don't toss shit like that around unless you can back it up. And yes, expect me to explain to you why you're wrong.


Trump's Staff
Seb: "Try not to be racist in the future."

Don't toss shit like that around unless you can back it up. And yes, expect me to explain to you why you're wrong.
The most radical thing you can do when a bro tells you his lived experiences is:

Listen & Believe


Phazael: "It would be comical if these blue hair dick choppers were not effectively censoring our entertainment."



Anti-SJWs: "HA HA Joss Whedon left Twitter because of SJWs!!! They're eating their own WHEEEEEEEEE"

Joss Whedon explains that that was NOT why he left Twitter, actively criticizes feminists and liberals for infighting, explains the problems linked to associating yourself with a politically-minded group, AGREES that there is no pleasing some people, reiterates that he is NOT a voice for feminism, and confirms that Twitter is garbage.

Well, sounds like Whedon has found some middle ground. The anti-SJWs should appreciate that, right? Let's check in...

Caliane: (Mocking Joss Whedon) "really, I pulled away to prevent the lynch mob attacking me, from getting harassed by those terrorists in GG"
That's a gross misinterpretation of what he actually said, tainted by the narrative YOU want to shape. Shame on you.

Cad: "In all honesty, why does a guy need to be a 'feminist' anyway?"
Because he believes that men and women are equals.

Iannis: "Gone are the days of being able to say, 'Oops. Well that was fucking retarded wasn't it. Ah well. Live and learn.'"
Funny, that's almost exactly what he said.

Turns out there IS no pleasing some people.


"...the truth that we've built a society that rewards being competitive assholes and that that is our norm(and that for the most part, we find that ok)."

Citation needed.


Mist: "When was gamergate the extreme position?

#1 Don't insult your consumers.
#2 Don't lie to your customers.
#3 Don't promote "frauds for social justice" to deflect from #1 or #2.

None of those are extreme."

You forgot:

- Assign highly judgmental labels (HEAVILY influenced by internal bias) on people who say things you don't like, then INSIST that these labels deserve attention in mainstream media.
- Pretend to be "attacked" any time it suits your agenda. (Bonus: This can be used to justify literally ANY response!)
- Use video game journalism as a fa?ade for fighting a pointless and counterproductive culture war.

To be fair, those are characteristics of GamerGate+ (GamerGate actually IS about video game journalism), but most people don't care to make a distinction, which is why GamerGate has such a shitty reputation.


Kriptini: "Ugh, is 'this person is a Tanoomba alt' Rerolled's version of 'this person is a shill?' I like this forum, can we please not turn it into cancer?"

A thousand times YES! That shit is obnoxious as hell.

For the record, I've never posted under an alt account. Ever. All of that bullshit, ALL of it, was based on false assumptions and jumping to wrong conclusions. The sooner people come to grips with that, the sooner we can stop seeing baseless accusations being thrown about (and, at least in one case, leading to somebody I don't even know getting banned).


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
That is the perfect photo selection for A Moon Bat post.


Dr. Mario Speedwagon: "I think your own stellar work with the infamous tardnoomba proves that rehabilitation does work. He confines himself to the shaw now. It truly is incredible."

To be fair, none of the credit for that goes to you. In fact, one of the reasons I was able to be the bigger man and self-censor for the apparent greater good was because I was able to tune you out.

What nobody here seems able to grasp is that the RRP inherently CAN NOT change someone's posting habits if they feel they were put there for the wrong reasons. If someone breaks a rule and gets reported and RRPed, he knows not to break that rule again. THAT works. If someone breaks no rule but is RRPed because the peanut gallery can't quell the squealing of their sandy vaginas, there's nothing you can say or do that will convince that person to change their habits. They were never the problem.

Anyway, the fact that you're campaigning under the guise of fixing the "Tanoombas and Columns" problem is blatant false advertising. I have yet to see you ever rehabilitate anyone, to be honest. But I'm just being silly here. The intent isn't to fix any problem or change anyone's habits, you just want carte blanche to personally heckle posters that get on people's nerves indefinitely. You want an excuse to pretend acting like an asshole is being productive.

Well, good luck with that.


Interestingly, the reviews of Cards Against Humanity that the Leigh Alexander piece links to do a pretty good job of explaining why the game isn't very good on its own merits. I have no doubt that both articles will boost the game's sales, though, since if there's anything GamerGate+ likes to do it's support any product SJWs take issue with, quality or merit be damned. In fact, it seems pretty likely that the reason CAH has gotten so popular is because of a backlash against anything PC, allowing anti-SJWs to indulge in making offensive jokes for its own sake. Not that there's anything inherently wrong with that. It seems like a few good laughs might be had the first time playing, but it hardly seems like a game that would have gotten nearly as much attention without the increased resentfulness directed towards SJWs.


Potato del Grande
What nobody here seems able to grasp is that the RRP inherently CAN NOT change someone's posting habits if they feel they were put there for the wrong reasons.
So you admit that you were put here for the RIGHT reasons, since you stopped Moon Batting in other threads?
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