After years of breathing HBO's fumes, Showtime thinks it may finally have a drama worth talking about. "Huff" stars Hank Azaria as a psychiatrist with more problems than his patients.

I stand corrected. I had the numbers backwards. I was thinking six was the time traveler. Though this season might show us that six can summon Cthulhu and I will adjust my rating.The fuck is wrong with you guys?
5 is head and shoulders above everyone else and if you don't agree you're fucking wrong
Yes still feels it necessary to post in a thread of a show he doesn't watch.Looks gay with zero substance. Opinion unchanged, Don't watch past season 1
I'm a little bit stymied on that one, from what I was seeing it looked like they were just going to do a "she's a guy now after the last time/reality jump" but it does indeed seem shes "presenting as female" (what the fuck I did my best) in those clips.So 2 Vanyas? Guess that can explain the change, which means they probably kill off the original female one
Yep, and that is indeed why he is fucking crazy since season 1. That would probably be a terrible ability to have.If you got Klaus powers you should get fucked up in the head I would think
Here is my pretty easy Vanya theory. The one we know (long hair) is going to die, likeCybsled predicted. However. In the trailer they were talking about what to do if you saw the other you from that timeline. Short haired male Vanya is the new timeline one and will replace female Vanya. The question is how many episodes it will take.