The Umbrella Academy


It Didn't Happen, It Should've, and It Will.
<Gold Donor>
It is by far the worst part of the show. I wish they would have just killed the character off when she decided to be a he. Its one thing for the average person to do it, but it has ramification when somebody with her job description chooses to do it. I always thought Ellen Page was kind of cute in her quirky own way. Now its just painful to watch and really takes a lot away from the show.
Imagine what she went through that made her hate a mirror so much she did this to herself...

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It Didn't Happen, It Should've, and It Will.
<Gold Donor>
Well I was going to post the tranny titties exposed on the White House lawn but the uncensored version has apparently been scrubbed from the general internet and I'm not gonna be arsed to spend more time on a lame yet potent joke but I do want to express just one more time how much I fucking hate the degenerate yet overwhelmingly censored version of reality we're forced to endure.
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Egg Nazi
I fucking hate the degenerate yet overwhelmingly censored version of reality we're forced to endure.
It really is maddening. We have a conversation about something, we google it, we discuss the results.

Then the next day we google it to show someone else, and its gone.

Every fucking day. Always and only in one direction - anything damaging to the globohomo agenda gets disappeared.

But I get that evil totalitarians are gonna evil totalitarian. What really grinds my gears is that it seems like no one fucking notices and I'm stuck in this Mandela effect hell going "no really, it was right there on the internet yesterday!" "Sure it was, old man, sure it was."
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It Didn't Happen, It Should've, and It Will.
<Gold Donor>
Dude I am right there with you. Enough to drive one mad...if one weren't already there.

Alice In Wonderland Smile GIF

Sanrith Descartes

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The weakest of the four seasons. Ellen Page is just abysmal and they had to make her a main focus.

Don't like what they did with Klaus. The Five/Lyla thing was a straight ripoff of Edge of Tomorrow.

Gene and Jean the only really decent part of the season.
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Vyemm Raider
This only took years to sit and watch but Vanya is so god damn annoying. I don't blame Ellen or whateveritsnameisnow but the source material i guess went above and beyond to not make her likeable.

Elmer paradox commercial is best part of season so far.

#1 singing lady in red is runner up
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The Scientific Shitlord
Finished this up last week. Obviously a rushed production, but I enjoyed most of it.