The Umbrella Academy

Sanrith Descartes

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Main plot points of season 3

1) There is some machine that allows the creation of timelines (universe is a simulation vibes)
2) Timeline fuckery resulted in a timeline where Umbrella Academy never existed. Only people who live are Ben and some gravity controlling woman that #1 married, but she was MIA in the new new timeline/universe
3)Ben is alive now (see above)
4) Allison is a selfish murdering rapist but considering we see her in the car with everyone else in the trailer, who the fuck knows?
5) Vanya is now Viktor
It has been so long I had honestly forgotten 90% of what happened in S3.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
The best bit of this whole series was the quick origin scene with the dad and the mom (?) on the alien planet.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
It is funny but at the same time....fuck the song they are using in the 2nd episode...
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Semi-pro Monopoly player
I am only two episodes in, so of course I will hold off on any real review but so far it's very "all over the place" and seems rushed.

It will be interesting to see if this plot tightens up.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
It definitely felt rushed with it being only 6 episodes. I thought the season was ok. The story was pretty weak and didnt care for the ending. Theres also a 3 second end of credits clip.


Tranny Chaser
Having Megan Mullally and Nick Offerman as Jean and Gene is just inspired.
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Tranny Chaser
The season started out great but it gets progressively worse as it goes on. There are a lot of 'huh...what?' parts that just less and less sense the more you think about it, especially in the context of the other seasons. I feel like someone wrote episodes 1&2 and then they had a stroke and were replaced by someone working from a very bad draft outline.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Season 4 also oddly ignored pretty much all of season 3 then they pick an odd Serial Experiments Laine/Donnie Darko type ending

It feels like they got smacked with short order season and rewrote the entire thing in a rush to accommodate 6 episodes instead of 10


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Really like Umbrella Academy but holy shit is this faggot Ellen Page awful . It's so hilarious and pathetic to watch this manlet try and act tough or scary. It's embarrassing. It's career has to be near over after this.
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Tranny Chaser
I'm really annoyed by what they did with Klaus. I thought at first they were going to actually make good use of Robert Sheehan's dramatic skills, but then they threw him back into the same schtick yet again.

Lyla was just a waste as was the whole fact that they had kids. Why even bother with that if you are going to throw the kids at a babysitter and then just kinda forget they exist?

Disclaimer: I may have missed some plot elements as by the end of the season I was just fast forwarding through stuff that looked cringe-y


Throbbing Member
Ahh so another show I shouldn't go back and finish? lol. I haven't watched since Page went off her rocker.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Really like Umbrella Academy but holy shit is this faggot Ellen Page awful . It's so hilarious and pathetic to watch this manlet try and act tough or scary. It's embarrassing. It's career has to be near over after this.
It is by far the worst part of the show. I wish they would have just killed the character off when she decided to be a he. Its one thing for the average person to do it, but it has ramification when somebody with her job description chooses to do it. I always thought Ellen Page was kind of cute in her quirky own way. Now its just painful to watch and really takes a lot away from the show.
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Trakanon Raider
Gene and Jean were the best part of the season. I don't want to post specifics in case someone stops in here early before finishing the series, but the Subway stuff was the only part that felt any emotional weight. Page was horrible...them writing toxic masculinity lines for that character just felt so forced and the idea of being intimidated by that individual was laughable. "I'd like to see you try." I laughed. Because it was laughable.

Anyway...I didn't hate watching it. Most of the characters were more bearable than in previous seasons. Ben and Viktor were the main annoyances.
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Molten Core Raider
I thought the ending was fine. I did have a question about the marigold though. They said it all needed be drained to the beast. But when they did the Marigold shots, Klaus didn't take his and threw it over his shoulder and it hit someone behind him.

If that person wasn't consumed as well, wouldn't everything have started over as well?

I feel like that shot was intentional and was supposed to lead into something, but just dropped off.

Were the flowers blooming post credits a nod to that?
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I thought the ending was fine. I did have a question about the marigold though. They said it all needed be drained to the beast. But when they did the Marigold shots, Klaus didn't take his and threw it over his shoulder and it hit someone behind him.

If that person wasn't consumed as well, wouldn't everything have started over as well?

I feel like that shot was intentional and was supposed to lead into something, but just dropped off.

Were the flowers blooming post credits a nod to that?
That was my impression with the credit scene
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