The Umbrella Academy

Sanrith Descartes

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Handler's daughter was oddly hot to me for some reason.

I think it's some deep-seeded crush inside my psyche from when I was 12 or whatever and that shitty Lost in Space movie came out that has forever made me attracted to that haircut and psycho eyes:

Lacy Chabert has some incredible looks.
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Aychamo BanBan

Just finished season 2. This was excellent. I loved season 1, and this was better. The actors seemed more comfortable in their characters skin, especially Klaus, who I did not like season 1, but enjoyed this season. Ellen Page still sucks, and why does everything have to be gay relationships just because she's gay in real life. Great story, interesting to see what the heck is up with what happens in season 3.

So a few questions:

1. Dad is an alien?
2. So dad being an alien, thats how he had the tech to build robot mom, and to have the magical shot to save Pogo and give him intelligence?
3. Is he the biological dad of the umbrella academy? Like did he fuck each woman separately and have all the kids? I ask because the team specifically asks if she is their biological sister?

Ben had a great role in this season, and his little role at the end was great. I truly like Five. It's so hard to have a child actor pull off a badass role and not have them look retarded, but that guy does it.

Things that didn't quite work: some of the intense sequences from the last couple of episodes felt cheesy, like when Vanya was about to explode in the FBI building. I felt like they wanted to emulate "the birth of dr manhattan" from Watchmen, but failed. It just felt a little chinzy. But I realize it's a TV show with limited budget on Netflix.


Musty Nester
if you remember from season one, dads brief backstory. His world was collapsing, armageddon, and he got on a rocket ship to go unfuck the unfuckable. So we knew he was at least a future human. Him taking off the skinsuit was a twist. I guess he's a bug alien from the future! Wasn't necessary, but it fits into the show just fine.

The incest thing was a callback joke to an earlier episode where one and Allison said they never fucked, so it wasn't incest. Also they're not blood relations so even if they had tucked it still wasn't incest. So there, nyah!


Buzzfeed Editor
It's pretty good. I don't mind the clamfest.

that lesbo's husband has a really good point.

I wonder if they intended him to be the sympathetic one when he gets shot for trying to protect his fucking retarded child, or if the lesbian was so strong with the writers that they didn't notice he -was- the sympathetic one as the lesbians proceeded to murder him. Granted, mostly on accident. i think maybe his death speech was trying to paint him as the bad guy. dunno. If so they completely fucked up. don't really care that much. clamfest is right, although some of that was ok.
I definitely didn't feel like he was the sympathetic one there. I also don't think he was trying to protect his kid, he was going to lock him up in some crazy ass 1963 institution, I think they still did lobotomies back then, specifically to take the kid away from the wife, to punish her for her betrayal. It's a complicated situation really, being gay or having gay experiences in that time, when literally all the power in the relationship resides in the man, and having kids. He's not a super-villain or anything, he's a product of his time as well, but he's not acting out of selflessness here, he's an injured party lashing out just like with the cops.
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Potato del Grande
My wife started watching this without me , so I've seen part of season1, episode 1, some mid season 1 episode and then the last three episodes of season 2 lol. It's pretty good.

The child actor for 5 is amazing and Ellen Page and her character are shit.

It's like they planned out this amazing show then had to put a diversity hire in there as only a lesbian can play a lesbian.

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
In Season 1 she wanted to choke on some dong but now she wants to muff dive. Forced bullshit sucks.


Avatar of War Slayer
Lesbian homewrecker is rough indeed. I wonder if the writers thought this was a good idea, or if Page forced them to.
its amazing how every actor/actress is also acting ciricles around her, including the kids as noted.


Potato del Grande
The kids were named in order of power right? Is the order not the wrong way around?

7 is the most powerful, 5 is really powerful too and 6 is Number 1 in the Sparrow Academy?

Meanwhile 1 is losing fist fights with regular people even though strength is his power? 2 can just throw knives good?


Avatar of War Slayer
The kids were named in order of power right? Is the order not the wrong way around?

7 is the most powerful, 5 is really powerful too and 6 is Number 1 in the Sparrow Academy?

Meanwhile 1 is losing fist fights with regular people even though strength is his power? 2 can just throw knives good?
yes, thats sort of the joke.
Power levels are inverse of their numbers. Although, there is obviously some leeway, in the sense, time travel is obviously the strongest. or Rumors reality warping is obviously much more powerful in usefulness for the most part, so, some of it is intensity.

But Number 1 is outwardly the strongest. The classic brick. Big and huge... but hes also the weakest.
number 2. the kraken.. looks smaller and weaker then Spaceboy, has to use knives etc.. But always beats him in a fight.
Number 3. The Rumor. can rewrite reality in a limited fashion by saying it. again, technically an insanely powerful power.. but, presumably this is an intensity issue. she can rewrite reality in a limited basis locally. Can't just "I heard a rumor the moon stopped crashing into the Earth" but could, "I heard a rumor your foot was made of cheese"
number 4. The seance. Army of ghosts is obviously potentially strong. either outright fighting, or info gathering, possessing others, etc.
number 5. the boy. his time travel power should be obvious..
number 6. the horror. ben. not clear why he would be considered so strong. Potentially since hes a prison for the inter-dimensional beast.
number 7. the white violin. TK directly powerful enough to destroy the world.

notice the characters also outwardly seem "weaker". giant dude, fit dude, fit woman, drug addict, child, dead, *seemingly normal no powers* woman.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
They're numbered on a scale of increasing power, so that is why 1 is weakest and 7 is most powerful.

2's power is he can alter aircurrents, so he can curve bullets and knives as a result


Potato del Grande
yes, thats sort of the joke.
Power levels are inverse of their numbers. Although, there is obviously some leeway, in the sense, time travel is obviously the strongest. or Rumors reality warping is obviously much more powerful in usefulness for the most part, so, some of it is intensity.

But Number 1 is outwardly the strongest. The classic brick. Big and huge... but hes also the weakest.
number 2. the kraken.. looks smaller and weaker then Spaceboy, has to use knives etc.. But always beats him in a fight.
Number 3. The Rumor. can rewrite reality in a limited fashion by saying it. again, technically an insanely powerful power.. but, presumably this is an intensity issue. she can rewrite reality in a limited basis locally. Can't just "I heard a rumor the moon stopped crashing into the Earth" but could, "I heard a rumor your foot was made of cheese"
number 4. The seance. Army of ghosts is obviously potentially strong. either outright fighting, or info gathering, possessing others, etc.
number 5. the boy. his time travel power should be obvious..
number 6. the horror. ben. not clear why he would be considered so strong. Potentially since hes a prison for the inter-dimensional beast.
number 7. the white violin. TK directly powerful enough to destroy the world.

notice the characters also outwardly seem "weaker". giant dude, fit dude, fit woman, drug addict, child, dead, *seemingly normal no powers* woman.
Nice write up! I like how Ellen Page is weaker than the dead guy :)


The lad himself
<Gold Donor>
The kids were named in order of power right? Is the order not the wrong way around?

7 is the most powerful, 5 is really powerful too and 6 is Number 1 in the Sparrow Academy?

Meanwhile 1 is losing fist fights with regular people even though strength is his power? 2 can just throw knives good?
They are actually named in order of their perceived "usefulness" by Reginald Hargreeves, not necessarily power. The question is, usefulness in what scenario.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
This was better than season one for many of the reasons stated. Rumor definitely improved her acting over season one, but she was still the worst actress with the least interesting story arc. Ellen Fivehead cannot act, but her amnesia arc and her bonding with the others for once was a nice uptick from season one.... until they shoe horned the whole lesbian thing in there (which they actually pushed a message they did not intend Veerhoven style). Monkey man was really good this season and Knife man was much improved. But just like last season, Klaus, Ben, and ESPECIALLY Five dominated the show. The kid that plays five is ridiculously good and his interactions in in the Seven Steps episode were some of the best of the entire season. Assassin girl was decent, especially since you know she was a diversity hire, but pulled off what is typically a cliche role very well. Biggest letdown was the absence of Hazel as I think he and Five are what carried the first season.

My hot take: Once again, lesbians almost destroy the world.
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Silver Knight of the Realm
Quite enjoyed it, definite step up from the first season. Five was my MVP, though Allison had the best overall story, just tied into the time period quite well. Luther and Vanya felt the weakest, though her story came around at the end with Ben\reconciling with the others. Luther's arc is so connected to the dad he mostly felt in stasis this season.

One interesting thing about Luther, which I saw on reddit, was in regards to how inconsistent his powers seem to be. When Lilah overwhelms him with strength she says, " Gotta believe in yourself, big boy." Seems plausible his strength/durability scales off his self confidence, which is basically like the Marvel character Gladiator.
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Log Wizard
Been a bit since I seen season 1, Rumor girl had a kid in that right? Claire or something like that.
This season not even a mention, not a "I miss my kid" or anything...or am I missing something?
Like I said, been a bit since I watched season 1
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Gotta believe in yourself, big boy." Seems plausible his strength/durability scales off his self confidence, which is basically like the Marvel character Gladiator.

That actually makes perfect sense considering what we have seen thus far.

Allison mentioned Claire multiple times in season 2 as the main reason she wants to go back to the present.
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Avatar of War Slayer
Been a bit since I seen season 1, Rumor girl had a kid in that right? Claire or something like that.
This season not even a mention, not a "I miss my kid" or anything...or am I missing something?
Like I said, been a bit since I watched season 1
Claire gets mentioned at the VERY end like twice.

"theres a chance I can get back to Claire? ok. Ill be there" but gets attacked.
And then at the VERY end. zomg now Im back, Im going to find Claire asap. then says nah, lets have a drink first.


Log Wizard
Claire gets mentioned at the VERY end like twice.

"theres a chance I can get back to Claire? ok. Ill be there" but gets attacked.
And then at the VERY end. zomg now Im back, Im going to find Claire asap. then says nah, lets have a drink first.
Must have missed those, thanks!