that video they wouldn't...A
While I respect any 90lbs woman that continues to show up time and time again, I usually find even one who has been doing this for as long as I, and have’t quit (they will invariably run into some asshat that doesn’t hold back), sometimes forget and become delusional just as the ones that quit upon losing their delusion, that at any given moment, I could bench press their entire body with one arm, pick them up and gently place them on the ground, mid-armbar
That guy is fucking clueless and is acting like a glorified grappling dummy
My wife and sister are both brown belts and are close with several female black belt world champions. They all admit that when rolling with men that at least 30% of their mental energy is spent on "please don't let this dude hurt me". The difference in power between the sexes is not subtle and significantly impacts martial outcomes at every experience level.
I wonder if his dad marrying his sisters daughter was because of the caste system? Or if it was just good ol' West Virginia shit without the caste. Still seems beyond fucking retarded that an Abu Abu cant find another Poo to fuck in a country of a billion+.
Video req, but not related. I just think half of these "theories" are fucking retarded.
I mean, I know...he's out of her weight class and 100% out of her strength class.
If I was in his situation I wouldn't be trying with her, to suggest someone take a fight with a woman serious (Unless she's in the top .001%) is a recipe for disaster. It would be akin to telling a father to take all fights with his kids seriously as they grow up.
A smart training group will have a flyer for a women's gun class posted in their lobby. The drop-out rate when they moved a women's self-defense class to just before our defense training was staggering. At least give them the option of "Oh I could use a gun instead!"...
Women's self-defense classes are a joke because everyone trains like they are fighting Timothy the Junior Web Developer when in reality you are gunna be fighting Jamaal the serial parkour-artist and Jamaal is gunna hit you with a god damn brick in the head before he rapes you and then cuts your head off.