Hard to tell what's going on in this short clip but it's possible this guy helped cause this accident by not seeing the backed up traffic and leading the person behind him into it. I've done this (accidentally) before where if I didn't swerve I'd have collided with the vehicle in front of me, and several times I've glanced behind me to see a vehicle inordinately close that I've ducked to this side during a hard braking maneuver...
The person behind him is at fault of course, and being in a truck they should have enough height to see in front of this person unless they're in a deceptively tall vehicle and they were probably tailgating him too. Good thing his gooseneck trailer wasn't loaded...
Seeing the shadows cast by vehicles near you in the sensing payload of autonomous vehicles can get kinda scary. Humans (when we're paying attention) are really good at filling in the gaps or making assumptions about traffic behavior we can't see, especially on routes in schedules we're familiar with.