The Video Thread


<Gold Donor>
wait for it..

First Half GIF
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Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Saying it is due to "globohomo" makes it sound like this is some new thing. Shellac is one of the oldest substances we still use to finish wood products and is just one piece of a whole line of food products that we all eat with products in them that people would find disgusting.

The main reason modern food switched to chemical colors/dyes in food was that color/dye made from natural ingredients was more expensive, not because people found them discussing.

I'd rather eat Carmine Red food dye made from cochineal bugs than food dyes made from petroleum products:

You forgot the part where the filthiest of pajeets are grinding their feet into a product youre consuming.

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Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>

Nude ladies, urine, f(a)eces, blood, nuns and perversion. Viva Germany. @Wurstsalat any thoughts?

Two videos on the same page showing some of the best and the worst that Western culture has to offer.

Adding one of the most beautiful pieces of classical music ever written just to try and tilt the balance here in favour of the good.

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<Silver Donator>
Two videos on the same page showing some of the best and the worst that Western culture has to offer.

Adding one of the most beautiful pieces of classical music ever written just to try and tilt the balance here in favour of the good.

Adding a video of chainsaw competitions to try to keep you fags from doing a 4 page opera derail

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