Visuals done basically by one guy.
Captain Suave Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris. 5,499 9,410 Yesterday at 10:21 PM #25,501 Visuals done basically by one guy. Last edited: Yesterday at 10:31 PM
Janx <Gold Donor> 7,064 19,493 Yesterday at 10:35 PM #25,503 Oh god I found it. I remember seeing this back in the everquest launch days. AI has nothing on this. Spoiler: Add
Oh god I found it. I remember seeing this back in the everquest launch days. AI has nothing on this. Spoiler: Add
Palum what Suineg set it to 28,319 46,271 Yesterday at 10:40 PM #25,504 Captain Suave said: Visuals done basically by one guy. Click to expand... Done by one guy. Credits: not one guy. 1 Reactions: 1 user
Captain Suave said: Visuals done basically by one guy. Click to expand... Done by one guy. Credits: not one guy.