I think it is funny that they gave him a FU essentially because he was just /that/ good - it is somewhat better than actually fooling them on one little part that during the entire act was specifically designed to be a moment of "too fast" to get a Fooled Us out of them.
I am not that great - but I could see a very /very/ visible palm at the first top down shot (bottom left if I remember) - and you could tell the entire act was like at 150% intensity of skill on skill and he was getting tired at the end, there was some sloppy palms at the end segment that lead up to the "big coins" and those were just out of nowhere that its like WTF DONT CARE - WAS AWESOME - you can also tell the coins were on the back edge of the black angled stage area for when he had to move them from hands to not hands and not under a card. But I agree with Penn and Teller, he was amazing and he totally deserved the win.
He was everything that a stage magician should be, entertaining and good and can still give even these old masters a show where they stopped and just "enjoyed the show"
and lol at "Whatever you do, know and Asian will come in and do it even more awesome!!" boooommm lol