The Video Thread


Note: Giving me insulting negs will not bait me into your circle jerk of a politics thread... I am not interested in argument, nor do I care to change your mind. What you do with the information I post is your decision. I refuse to waste the time trying to make you use it the way I may nor may not think you aught to.

Note #2: You realize the anonymous nature of the nets system means the ONLY WAY I could reply to it was to come back to its source and address it without question. So the person knew I was replying to THEM specifically, and not just any random poster. At least back when names were attached to negs, I was able to enlighten the individual directly. But then that would require you chicken shits to OWN your inanity (at least as far as your registration here allows) and we can't have that now can we?


Silver Baronet of the Realm

Note: Giving me insulting negs will not bait me into your circle jerk of a politics thread... I am not interested in argument, nor do I care to change your mind. What you do with the information I post is your decision. I refuse to waste the time trying to make you use it the way I may nor may not think you aught to.

Note #2: You realize the anonymous nature of the nets system means the ONLY WAY I could reply to it was to come back to its source and address it without question. So the person knew I was replying to THEM specifically, and not just any random poster. At least back when names were attached to negs, I was able to enlighten the individual directly. But then that would require you chicken shits to OWN your inanity (at least as far as your registration here allows) and we can't have that now can we?
i don't care one way or another about your post... I didn't even watch it. however; you bring up an interesting point that has been addressed elsewhere, i'm sure. Why ARE tuconets anonymous?

GIS for "off topic"


Lord Nagafen Raider
Please don't quote Grimsark.
This thread has been immeasurably improved by blocking the first person I've ever had to block so as to not view their worthless preaching.



Trakanon Raider
Please don't quote Grimsark.
This thread has been immeasurably improved by blocking the first person I've ever had to block so as to not view their worthless preaching.

Granted I don't view this thread that often, but I do know that his videos have a far higher likelyhood of falling into the "interesting" category, than most. Sometimes I even learn stuff. Sometimes I don't. Sometimes I don't even click the videos....

Don't understand ignoring him, and certainly don't understand the notion of getting upset by just seeing the topics of the videos.

Somewhat on topic



Lord Nagafen Raider
Granted I don't view this thread that often, but I do know that his videos have a far higher likelyhood of falling into the "interesting" category, than most. Sometimes I even learn stuff. Sometimes I don't. Sometimes I don't even click the videos....

Don't understand ignoring him, and certainly don't understand the notion of getting upset by just seeing the topics of the videos.

Somewhat on topic
Because it's preaching plain and simple. I could go to church every Sunday if I wanted to hear someones agenda who had zero interest in defending or openly investigating any of their views. Sure some of it -might- be interesting but usually it boils down to a simple case of "oh look facts taken way out of context ...... again." Even then if it was just one or two rare videos about his personal mission that would be nothing but how long has be been filling up this thread with his BS?

If he really believes in his peddling and wants to convince others then there are dozens of people in Politics and other threads who he could have a reasonable discussion with on specific and important points (yes their are idiots to but then there are idiots on both sides (har har!)) He just wants to preach and I have zero interest listening to those people because once in a blue moon he might say something right when he spends 99% of the rest of his time crying wolf.


Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Please don't quote Grimsark.
This thread has been immeasurably improved by blocking the first person I've ever had to block so as to not view their worthless preaching.

maybe you want to join him with posting those shitty ass reaction videos


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Because it's preaching plain and simple. I could go to church every Sunday if I wanted to hear someones agenda who had zero interest in defending or openly investigating any of their views. Sure some of it -might- be interesting but usually it boils down to a simple case of "oh look facts taken way out of context ...... again." Even then if it was just one or two rare videos about his personal mission that would be nothing but how long has be been filling up this thread with his BS?

If he really believes in his peddling and wants to convince others then there are dozens of people in Politics and other threads who he could have a reasonable discussion with on specific and important points (yes their are idiots to but then there are idiots on both sides (har har!)) He just wants to preach and I have zero interest listening to those people because once in a blue moon he might say something right when he spends 99% of the rest of his time crying wolf.

Occasionally exposing yourself to other points of view is a good thing, even if they're stupid.


Avatar of War Slayer
Because it's preaching plain and simple. I could go to church every Sunday if I wanted to hear someones agenda who had zero interest in defending or openly investigating any of their views. Sure some of it -might- be interesting but usually it boils down to a simple case of "oh look facts taken way out of context ...... again." Even then if it was just one or two rare videos about his personal mission that would be nothing but how long has be been filling up this thread with his BS?

If he really believes in his peddling and wants to convince others then there are dozens of people in Politics and other threads who he could have a reasonable discussion with on specific and important points (yes their are idiots to but then there are idiots on both sides (har har!)) He just wants to preach and I have zero interest listening to those people because once in a blue moon he might say something right when he spends 99% of the rest of his time crying wolf.

(video snipped)
What I often find most interesting about people is that they so readily fill the absence of something, with whatever they wish it were... I once heard it said, that the mind abhors a vacuum. And without a convenient explanation for something - oddly enough, given to us by someone that would call themselves a teacher or leader - delusion is the next best available thing with which to fill it.

And you (like most people), have.

I realize that makes me sound arrogant, but its merely an observation of a process that we all must experience in our own way... Like all things, some get it faster than others, while some simply never get it at all.

Now, as if the reply to my -net didn't make it clear, allow me to try again.

The very reason I don't argue anymore (because I spent the majority of my late 20's arguing with everyone that would let me) is thatI don't want to preach.

It simply doesn't work. The people that tell you it does, are either as deluded as you are, or they are manipulating you intowasting your timeFEELING like you are making a difference. During whichyou convince yourselfof whatever they said, and they don't have to work as hard.

Put simply, people learn only what they want to and only when they are ready to.

So, I share with others what I think might be pertinent information; that you are free to give whatever context you wish. Much of what I share I happen to agree with, while others I do not. But in the greater context it still serves to remind as many people as I can, to do the most important thing they can ever learn to do.


(obligatory videos)

(bonus picture)


Blackwing Lair Raider
You fucking morons if I wanted to expose myself to different view points I wouldn't fucking do it in this shithole of a message board. I come here to watch black people fight, naked chicks with dicks, talk about football, and call Chuk a moron for not knowing a god damn thing about Game of Thrones even though he says he read the books.

Don't quote that piece of shit. You dipshits tell us to ignore someone if you don't want to see their content then we've got fuckheads who quote it so we've still got to see his horse shit. No one cares how much of a negro obama is. No one cares if some police man beat up a random person.
Now, as if the reply to my -net didn't make it clear, allow me to try again.

The very reason I don't argue anymore (because I spent the majority of my late 20's arguing with everyone that would let me) is thatI don't want to preach.

It simply doesn't work. The people that tell you it does, are either as deluded as you are, or they are manipulating you intowasting your timeFEELING like you are making a difference. During whichyou convince yourselfof whatever they said, and they don't have to work as hard.

Put simply, people learn only what they want to and only when they are ready to.

So, I share with others what I think might be pertinent information; that you are free to give whatever context you wish. Much of what I share I happen to agree with, while others I do not. But in the greater context it still serves to remind as many people as I can, to do the most important thing they can ever learn to do.

Hide yo kids, hide yo wife, Sutekh is comin to complain about talking to Grim (and not contribute in any meaningful way). I deleted the video for ya brah, so you didn't have to see it!
[Edit:]I should have hit page refresh!

Posting "informational" videos just for the sake of questioning everything is all well and good, but there are good and bad ways to go about this. The best tool to get any meaningful answers is by using the scientific method. In the minority of the videos you post, that I take issue with, seem to jump to far to some conclusions without any evidence. Propagating badly researched or weakly supported information should be frowned upon in any weather...

Not related: