I only watch during slow days at work, so I just finished 3.15 and still plenty of problems.
Terminus is not a safe haven, we can all agree on that. Still, just having Tasha on her own, back to the new arrivals? That's just cliche. There's no way for "them" to know the new arrivals aren't a bunch of marauders, with one guy shooting an arrow into her ass and shouting "CLAIMED".
Their complete lack of security should be a giant red flag for our survivors as well. In Woodsbury, they made damn sure to guard the entrances.
This whole "claimed" nonsense was absolutely irritating as well.
Shooting the ceiling to make a tunnel collapse, if it's already reached that state of disrepair, you're taking about a decade of no maintenance, if that's even enough given there's also no trains going through it anymore. At that point, you won't be able to start any car you just find. All batteries are dead, and the gas is no longer gas.