Yeah, they come up with an elaborate plan to shoot at the feet of people running to herd them, which in itself is a bunch of tv bullshit, and everyone happens to show up at just the right doors to calculatedly herd people they let very easily get away, run past human bones, run through their altar room, to herd them right where they want them.... to what isn't a dead end, so you can have them walk themselves to a train car full of their friends who make no noise at hear a lot of gun shots and conversation right outside, where they've cornered them, except for the fact while they're standing at the train car they've got no line of sight, most of the people aren't in a position to actually apprehend the prisoners, and instead they're going to trust them to walk into the train car instead of everyone in the train car and standing in line just running out the fucking open and unguarded section past the train cars that most of the people with guns couldn't really access due to standing dramatically behind fences and on top of various levels of roofing. I get that it's not plausible since, you know, the people taken prisoner in a train car apparently couldn't hear gunshots, footsteps, and shouting from right outside, and only seemed to be curious as to what was going on when it was their cue to melodramatically walk out of the shadows.
ALL that fucking planning and they couldn't even create a fucking dead end to run them toward?
The writers took what could be really simple and plausible and make it retarded for the sake of bullshit melodrama. Why? Because the idiots that watch this show will believe it the same way they were impressed the A-team could shoot out tires of brown 80's cars with one shot!
Shooting at people's feet to herd them is one of the most idiotic tropes around. Stop falling for dumb shit, even if the characters have dumb lines confirming it.
And then your best guess is if people accept the meat they get to stay? Never mind the shit written on the walls of their cheesy candle-lit ritual room? That basically spells out they've got their crew and if you aren't in their cult you'll get eaten? I guess because a character didn't out-right say it as if they knew they were in a tv show being watched by morons, it can't be true.
Let's remember, in the actual zombapcalypes, more people doesn't mean more safety and more security, just more liability. And in reality shooting 2 feet from someone to herd them to make sure they aren't shot is pretty shitty shooting.
But, sorry, my point wasn't that I didn't understand what the show was trying to make me believe, but that it was fucking retarded. And not being a retard, I'm inclined not to believe it, much less defend it. Shit show. Shit writing. Can't wait for more.
Also, biting out someone's neck so they pretty much instantly die is completely plausible! It's a good thing the natural human reaction of fuckers about to kill and rape a little boy is to stand shocked while it happens long enough for your whole crew to get killed!