The van crash would have crushed their spines. If the van would have landed head first, like in a car accident, then it would have been plausible. They were more worried about setting up the shot for the zombie rain that happened after, so screw physics.This show right now is the best its ever been. The van thing is plausible barely. I mean its not raping the laws of physics, maybe its dryhumping it a bit
It isn't velocity as much as it is G impact.Someone who isn't as lazy as me should do the quick math on how fast that van would be traveling when it hit the ground after a 50' drop, with its acceleration due to gravity. I'm curious if that's like a 60mph collision or a 150mph collision
edit - According to Wolfram Alpha, a drop 50 feet would take 1.8 seconds and be traveling 39mph at impact. Seems reasonable that someone could walk away from that, seeing as how the tires absorbed some impact as well as the cushioning in the seats they are sitting in.
it felt like they were tying up all of carole's past because they are wrapping up her character. im guessing she will be martyring herself to save beth or save everyone she can. its a pretty shitty tradeoff since beth is typical damsel in distress character and carole has been badass for 2 seasons.The only part of the episode I didn't like was the Carol flashbacks. I didn't feel like they were really needed at all since they didn't really add anything. If there was some big plot point we didn't know about while she was gone it would be one thing but it was just random shots of her moping and wandering around and shit which is what we could have already inferred.
That is the injury I am referring to. I assume she busted some ribs too if not bruised/cracked em. That shit can't be ignored, the pain would be crazy doing anything.Not to mention she hurt her shoulder some how from that fall in the van!
I got that feeling too. I know that reality TV show fans will talk of a person having a 'Loser edit' where we get a bit more insight into the person's life and motivation for being on the show etc, so that it can have more of an emotional impact when that person is eliminated. A loser edit makes it easier to pick who's likely to go this felt like they were tying up all of carole's past because they are wrapping up her character. im guessing she will be martyring herself to save beth or save everyone she can. its a pretty shitty tradeoff since beth is typical damsel in distress character and carole has been badass for 2 seasons.