Listen, you rotting zombie-twat licker, just because a show is fictional, doesn't mean it shouldn't make some semblance of sense within the context of the world they've created.
Here's an example. For weeks/months they easily poke zombies in the head through a fence at the prison. In this recent episode Daryl easily pokes zombies in the head through a fence. So why didn't Glen just as easily poke zombies through a fence at the warehouse? Oh, I guess because zombies are fictional so suddenly nothing the characters do have to make any fucking sense?
Or, maybe it's because as entertaining as the show can be, and how good it can be at times, they writing to the lowest common denominator retards who think because a show has zombies then anything goes even if it makes no fucking sense at all. Might as well have flying wiener dogs, right, because the show has zombies! Might as well have the characters selectively clinically retarded, because, you know, zombies are real, so neither is basic human logic in a show written, get this, for people to watch.
You think Kirkman is the sole writer and only person providing input on how the show is written and what direction it should take? Even if so, the show should differ from the comics by being poorly written because the comics are just too dark for good writing on AMC? There are plenty of other shows on AMC that are quite dark, and don't shit the bed every couple episodes by dropping all logical sequences of the events so far or having the main plot device be magic zombies and/or characters suddenly incompetently retarded.
Some of us are more entertained when a show isn't randomly embarrassing to watch on a fundamental way that has tornadoes kill a horde of zombies banging on the door of an ancient barn but the barn isn't touched. There are better ways to write a show. But why would they bother. They have seething morons like yourself that don't give a shit, and instead of just admitting the show is terrible at times and still enjoying it like the rest of us, you'll actually try to defend the show like a fucking retard by saying the show doesn't have to make any sense because it has zombies.
For you inbreds, I'll say it again. Just because a show is fictional, even fantastical, doesn't mean the writers shouldn't at least try to have things make sense without the context of the world they've created. So stop saying ignorant shit like a show has zombies so it makes sense for the HUMAN FUCKING CHARACTERS to suddenly be selectively incompetent if it's the only way a show's writers can find to advance a plot.