Q&A Episode 8.12 “The Key”
1. What happens during the car chase scene with Negan and Rick?
Rick still has the radio that belonged to the Saviors, so he hears ahead of time that they are coming. He sees Negan in a black car, pursues him, and eventually crashes into Negan's car.
2. It looks like Rick and Negan have a confrontation. Do they fight? Does Negan get away?
Yes! They get into one helluva fight. Lucille is set on fire and Negan is almost eaten by a walker. Alas, Negan gets away. (Who knew?)
3. What do Simon and the Saviors do after Negan gets in the car wreck?
Simon and Dwight try to locate Negan, but they find the car wreck and lots of blood. Simon presumes Negan is dead or close to death and instructs the Saviors to attack the Hilltop with the intention of killing them all.
4. Does Simon do anything else against Negan’s orders?
Yep.. Now that Simon and the other Saviors think Negan may be dead, or at least dying, he says it's time to "expunge" the Hilltop and move onto other communities. Simon steppin’ up to be mob boss.
5. How does Dwight act during this episode? Does he do anything to help Team Family?
No, he doesn't do anything specifically to help Team Family, but he also doesn't support Simon's crazy plans to take Negan's place.
6. How is Hilltop preparing for the attack? What is the plan?
There are several lookouts and everyone is preparing to fight.
7. Does anyone die? Who?
No. Well, Lucille almost does, but Negan saves her just in time. Then there is the reunion scene…. (Just kidding.)
8. Is a new group introduced? Who encounters them and what are they like?
The group doesn't have a name, but the leader's name is Georgie and resembles the woman who leads the "New World Order" in the latest issues of the Walking Dead comics. That’s just a guess though. They seem benevolent and simply want to build up communities so that they can ally with them.
What are Michonne, Maggie, and Enid doing out on the road?
People from the new group left a couple of crates and a note just outside of the Hilltop. Our ladies come across the note. It says to fill the crates with phonograph records (Not a typo. For real - that’s what it says.) and you'll get the "key to the future." Michonne, Maggie and Enid decide to follow up and find out who these mysterious people are.