The finale was a complete let down, not because of how things played out, but because they took 40 episodes to tell a story that easily could have been done in less than 20. By the time last night came, the audience was already spent. When you have already had umpteen million fire fights already, what's another one? You've already had umpteen million face to face confrontations between Negan and Rick, what's another one? Everyone was so watered down by last night, that the only "oh shit" moment for me was when it looked like they were killing Negan. All I knew from the comics is that he is spared, so I did not realize they were following it with the slit throat (not sure how that is even humanly possible without the power of a fully equipped hospital behind whoever is doing the healing but whatever).
They had spread this thing way too thin, so the payoff was extremely anticlimactic. That and the fact that the writers have made every character bi polar and schizophrenic. Jesus is all about saving everyone until he's not and fuck Rick we need to kill Negan. Darryl let's Dwight go, and then 180's back to fuck them as well? Morgan is back to scared Morgan after two laps around the I'm crazy, I'm all about life track. Here is hoping that whoever takes over the helm is A: allowed to take it over completely and keep Gimple's dumb ass hands out of it and B: that they can salvage something interesting from this train wreck. Time skip it, kill everyone off but a select few, I don't care, but please tighten the narrative and not allow things to drag out so long. However, that would also take AMC to not try to focus on only 4 episodes each season too, so my hopes aren't too high.