The Walking Dead


Throbbing Member
It wasn't the worst TWD season finale but it could have been edited much better and things shown better. Especially in the first half.
At least we got the Negan line, 'You told me I could" out of it.
Obviously next season is pretty much a season of war and battles.

Next season looks to be All Out War leading into the Whisperers the season after.


Millie's Staff Member
next season will be 3 episodes of all out war and the rest will be about dealing with interracial and gay love during the zombie apocalypse.
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
What a shitty season finale. I'm happy Negan is still alive. I'm not happy they are dragging this bullshit on for another season which will be another 16 episodes of melodramatic character shit no one gives two shits about.

Best thing that could have happened was Negan killing everything and switching him to the show runner.

Done watching this garbage. PM me if Negan kills everyone and I'll turn it on again
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> Than U
Negan will be around a long time. Good news is we are all done watching this garbage for at least 6 months. Next week this thread will die like Sasha taking a Eugene pill and life will be back to normal for awhile.
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Throbbing Member
Negan will be around a long time. Good news is we are all done watching this garbage for at least 6 months. Next week this thread will die like Sasha taking a Eugene pill and life will be back to normal for awhile.

Don't worry Fear the Walking Dead will be there for you!
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Fear the Walking Dead is a shit spinoff. If anything needs to be Lucilled, it is that show.
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> Than U
I didn't even watch most of last season and what few episodes I did, I regretted.
Talk about screwing up a show. They had a blank slate with endless possibilities. They chose to go the SJW route with a druggy son and a slut daughter.


> Than U
Fear seems no worse than regular Walking Dead.
You ever hear about the story of a man who refused to kill the dog who kept shitting on his floor?
You see, this dog as I recall didn't always shit on the floor. At one time that dog was the greatest friend the man could ever have, so when the day came it started just shitting all over the place the man could not out of love have the dog put to sleep.
That dog shit on his floor until its very last day when it suddenly died of ball cancer.
The man got a new dog, and it shit on his floor the first day. He took it back to the shelter, presumably to be put down from lack of adoption on the second day.


The lad himself
<Gold Donor>
I actually kind of think that would have been a great place to end the entire series on. The monologue from Maggie at the end and the certainty that there was full blown war coming between the survivors was a nice ending point. This is no longer about zombies but about how bad everyone alive is, something the comics did a much better job of establishing earlier on. I don't think anything they could do coming up would build on where we are now. (and yes this was a terrible season)


Life's a Dream
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zignor 4

Molten Core Raider
That was certainly one of the worst buildup to payoff ratios ever. If the rest of the season had been strong, that may have been a decent finale, but after the relentless slog-fest leading up to it, they needed to step up with an hour of unmitigated brilliance and that was far from it. And whenever they did manage to build up some momentum, they suddenly remembered that it'd been more than 37 seconds since the last commercial so LET'S ALL HOLD UP NOW.

At least when GoT drags you to the edge of buildup tedium they realize it's time to blow your dick off, and then they do. This show just feels like working all week for a $10 paycheck.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
I actually kind of think that would have been a great place to end the entire series on. The monologue from Maggie at the end and the certainty that there was full blown war coming between the survivors was a nice ending point. This is no longer about zombies but about how bad everyone alive is, something the comics did a much better job of establishing earlier on. I don't think anything they could do coming up would build on where we are now. (and yes this was a terrible season)

And therein lies the problem with this show. It had a completely different tone and style than the comics and that's what made it popular. This is not saying the Comics are bad in any way at all, but this has been a major reason behind the show's downfall was when Gimple took over, he wanted to make it more like the comics and it backfired in almost every major way. You are correct in the fact that the whole "mankind sucks" motif kicked off almost within the first few pages of the comics. The show, on the other hand, made a point to go in a different direction early on, and barely touched that fact at all until they did a little bit in Season 3, but even then, they made sure to give the Governor a human reason behind his madness (losing his family because he was weak). Then they dabbled a bit here and there with some of the secondary characters, and then Terminus and Grady Memorial. But in the end, for the better part of 5 seasons, most of the premise was still firmly planted in man vs zombies, and it was definitely more thrilling and exciting than watching Negan do the limbo under invisible poles as he talks as much like a sailor that TV allows.

Much of this is also exasperated by the fact that the writers just cannot put any emotional weight behind any of it, for whatever reason, be it lack of actual skill or AMC meddling to keep costs down. But like last night. The whole garbage pail kids' betrayal thing just fell totally flat and was just stupid. The entire theme of the group sucked already and then to have them go "oops, just kidding, we no like you anymore" was just dumb and was blatantly forced tension. Add to that, a very horribly choreographed fight scene, and it barely limped over the finish line as passable (at least it wasn't a stupidly placed cliffhanger). And honestly, Negan worked at first, because dude bashed in two characters' heads that we had grown to love over 3 and 6 seasons, so that brought in a sense of dread anytime he was on the screen. Yet, all of that equity was squandered over the course of the next 15 episodes as Negan didn't do jack shit outside of killing a couple characters we didn't care a lick for in the first place and talk shit to people like Eugene. In earlier seasons, they were able to get away with shoddy writing on the mankind aspects, because it almost always fell back to "OMG Walkers!" Now that walkers are barely even background noise at this point, they have nothing to fall back on when the writing goes completely flat.
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A Mod Real Quick
Glad someone pointed out how weird it was that the tiger knew who to attack - hell, how did anyone from the kingdom know who to attack? At least Hilltop knew some of the people... but not all of them.

We get this build up for months and... that's it? THAT was the whole season? Besides episode 1, this entire season was basically worthless, nothing happened at all.

Sasha didn't deserve such a huge sendoff and funeral. She was one of the worst characters in the entire show. Probably will not be watching next season, this is just too boring. I made it through one season guys, go me.0
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> Than U
I contacted the CGI tiger last night after questions came up. I received a reply in the overnight hours that simply stated,"They're Great!".
As for knowing who, wasn't the Kingdom the longest dealers with Saviors?
I agree with all the Sasha stuff though. Hell Abe and Glenn together didn't have that much honoring, even though the flashbacks had Abe in them.
It isn't about color, although that is what they made it. A minority grab for a targeted ad bucks/viewership.

The good news is you are not alone. Even over at spoiling dead which is normally full of fan boys on the private page it is full of people knocking this season and finale.
Things being attacked are how Michonne suddenly unable to fight off a fat girl, tiger randomly eating the right people, Carol and Morgan were basically just there( no hero stuff like Terminus but they spent multiple episodes building them up to be ), all these people with guns and no one shoots a spock woman holding a gun on rick, no one shoots Negan for that matter and more.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The Sasha sendoff was really weird considering she was just another throw away character. They treated her like she was George Clooney on E.R. They should have just had the saviors wipe them all out and start out next season following the saviors. I'm just bored with Rick's merry band of morons.
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