The Walking Dead


Picked up my collector's edition today:




Yeah, it's a compilation of the first 48 chapters of the comic. It's also heavy as fuck and a deadly weapon.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I made this just to bitch. Just finished the first big complication (up to issue #48 I think?). All I can say is what the fuckity fucking shit is this bullshit? I'm not even sure I want to continue the story. And I thought George RR Martin was bad with killing off characters jesus christ.

Was interesting up until this point, if a bit much on the female drama.


Tranny Chaser
I've kept current on it and yeah, it never gets any better. I didn't mind the cycle until I really recognized that the comic has this pattern of things stabilizing and looking alright to things going to total shit to thinks stabilizing and looking alright. The current antagonist almost yelled it at the audience during his introduction right before he pasted a main character in a manner so unnecessarily explicit that I stopped really caring about anything else that happens. It was such an unnecessary fuckyouto the audience

And the comic has no plans to conclude. It's just going to keep going and going and going until it is no longer profitable. I just can't recommend it anymore to anyone. The only thing you'll really get out of it is noticing when the writers for the show lift a scene whole-cloth and make it suck or when they make a change of moderate size that is just flat out worse than what the comic did. It's really pronounced in season one but keeps happening.


Are you guys just periodically buying the comics, or is there a site you use to read them? I read pretty far.. (some number in the 80s i think) for anyone that's up to date it was right when
that new town Rick/Carl/Michonne/Tyrese/Sophia go to, and a herd eventually comes and breaks it open and hell breaks loose, i think Sophia's mom gets ripped apart or maybe Sophia herself, cant really remember
at that point it was the most current chapter in the story. I imagine by now it's advanced a bit since this was awhile ago, could use a good site to read em if anyone has any recommendations.


Tranny Chaser
Every Wed at 4chan's /co/ subheading the newly released comics are all scanned and available for download on Mediafire. I've just been using them for years now.


Damn you guys weren't kidding, finally caught up I think. #100 was all sorts of fucked up, and Carl continues to be a bad ass..


<Prior Amod>
I think with TWD, and this new arc, kirkland might be
trying to make carl, rick as in passing the torch of untouchable to carl, we all pretty much think that unless you're rick at most you'll loose your wife, a baby girl that wasn't yours and your good hand, but he can never loose carl, carl is his utmost reason for everything, we saw that when rick sacrificed his possible new family just to save carl, on a whim. with this rick is just too "powerful" so i believe kirkland has to kill rick, only he needs someone just as damaged as rick to be the super protagonist. Which is carl, at this point it's been 1 year? in TWD world, and everyone on the lam, in the roads not in a safe community has done some messed up stuff, i think he wants carl to be the new representative of that, but he can't do it, with father rick "in the way"


And now my Watch has ended...
I made this just to bitch. Just finished the first big complication (up to issue #48 I think?). All I can say is what the fuckity fucking shit is this bullshit? I'm not even sure I want to continue the story. And I thought George RR Martin was bad with killing off characters jesus christ.

Was interesting up until this point, if a bit much on the female drama.
Lol, that is why I love this series so much. Similar to Martin killing off your fav characters, this story pulls no punches and I love it. This is only the second comic book to make me feel really sad, the first being some silly What If? that I read years ago that belonged to my cousin involving seven of the female superheroes actually getting married to a seven-headed hydra/sea monster? Not sure, it's been too long. But yeah, I have stayed current with this series, and the most recent couple of ones really pissed me off with what happens to one the best characters : /


And now my Watch has ended...
Damn you guys weren't kidding, finally caught up I think. #100 was all sorts of fucked up, and Carl continues to be a bad ass..
They are up to issue 104 last I read. Like what Arbitrary said, a main character gets destroyed that's been around for a while. I was pissed, and still kinda am. But that is just the way TWD is.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
The person (so far) I am most pissed about dying is
Tyresse - because he was a good guy, and young and tough - him and Rick coulda done very well together, just like Michone. I'm currently at the point where the walled in neighborhood has just been breached. Fucking Andrea better not die.


<Prior Amod>
The person (so far) I am most pissed about dying is
Tyresse - because he was a good guy, and young and tough - him and Rick coulda done very well together, just like Michone. I'm currently at the point where the walled in neighborhood has just been breached. Fucking Andrea better not die.
i always felt that abraham was a poor(white) tyresse replacement, with a bit of hick in him, they both got the, wtf, they died? lemme flip back again, how'd this happen? tyreese got caught, and the governor really needed an example to be made, and abraham, just went down with an arrow to the head/throat. so far with issue 100 happening, i feel that poor rick really has no strong male to lean on, i'm not trying to be chauvanist or whatever, but rick has always had a strong male to talk to or befriend or confide in, now he has absolutely no one, which i guess might be a plot point in of itself.


Just wanted to bump this thread and mention that on XBL Episode 1 of this game series is currently free to download/play, I think? it's a limited time offer, not sure on that though. Also heard that this friday 12/28 - the entire collection will have some kind of sale. So worth looking into for those who haven't gotten it yet. I just completed the first episode twice, it really is enjoyable. I hope they continue more within this world


<Prior Amod>
Got this game from my Sister in Law last night for Xmas, was pretty bumed you can't link up/activate the physical copy with Steam.