The Wire: Greatest Show Ever Made


Tranny Chaser
Lol, would you be less upset if I said "It was such a progressive show!"?

You're a moron, for three reasons:

1. It's "bestiality" not "beastiality"
2. It's a show about drugs, therefore by telling me "stick to what I know, cocaine" you are agreeing that you're eminently less qualified to discuss than me.
3. You're confusing social commentary with wokeness. Commentary about race, war on drugs, policing, unions, journalism, school system etc all wrapped up in a narrative where there are no good or bad guys, very few winners and mostly losers (especially by the end when the cycle repeats itself with the kids 'graduating' into roles held by the main characters) is not wokeness. Wokeness would be clearly defined good/bad guys with an element of heavy handed preaching and caricature characters - much like the Meryl Streep/Trump President in Don't Look Up

And your point about the origins of Wokeness is Wokeness 101, yet again you miss the point - this stuff has been around for decades but it's only gone mainstream (eg off campus) in the last 6-7 years.

If you think The Wire is woke then try thinking about how it would be different if it were made today.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Lol, would you be less upset if I said "It was such a progressive show!"?

I'm not upset. "Progressive" definitely feels closer than "woke" but tbh I don't think The Wire is very progressive either. Both progressive and woke have a political agenda. A political agenda presents a problem and suggests a solution. The Wire just kind of gives us a long, hard look at The Truth. There are no angels, there are no demons, there are just people with qualities and flaws both.

"Woke" tends to blame everybody but the individual for their own problems. The Wire wants none of that. Bubs is a great example. Yes, a big part of his struggle is society, which makes things super hard for him, but the show is also very clear that he is largely responsible for his own situation. Imo, the Bubs redemption arch is the best part of the series.


El Presidente
Yeah, not sure how anyone can't get behind Bubbles getting his shit together.
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Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
Yeah, glad bubbles got his shit together. Hit the feels when Kima got shot, and that was when he was supposed to reach out, then ended up crashing again.

"Woke" tends to blame everybody but the individual for their own problems

Kind of but not exactly, its the CRT / progressive mantra buried in there. I could have chronicled all the instances, tropes etc, but it wasnt worth it so I figured I would just summarized as "Fucking woke". Some people are infinitely responsible, for sins of the father, while some bear zero for their own actions. With the Wire it was a lot of tropes, archetypes, etc. Season 5 was pretty lit with wokeness. It was thick by then.

Ossoi Ossoi

I'm thrilled you know the proper spelling for fucking dogs. Just thrilled.

Its a show about the streets, sucking cocaine off a dudes dick might give you some authority on the life of bubs, turning tricks etc, but doing drugs and selling drugs arent exactly the same thing. And sucking some dudes dick doesnt really make me think your the authority on anything late 90s "street culture". Except sucking dick for drugs.

I'm not confusing shit.

Stick to what you know, bestiality and sucking cock for coke.
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Tranny Chaser
You're a fucking idiot who clearly doesn't understand anything

The central premise of CRT is that racism is baked into the legal system, because it was built by white people for white people. And this lens has subsequently been applied to other institutions/systems.

Whilst The Wire is a critique of systems/institutions, if it were truly woke then white people as a whole would be constantly shown to be getting ahead at the expense of blacks, but in The Wire there are no winners, everyone is shown to be caught in the system in some way

Take Prez who has a reputation as an incompetent police who only keeps his job because his father in law is a senior officer - you could argue this is an example of white privilege (although race is never cited as a reason, only his marriage).

He then gets suspended for assaulting a black guy but keeps his job with the help of his black unit leader, Daniels only to later end up leaving after accidentally shooting a black undercover cop due to the subsequent outcry of "racism" even though it was clearly an accident.

So again you could argue this is "woke" because it's the whole blm thing 15-16 years before blm was a thing, but it's hardly an example of a racist trigger happy cop, if anything - it's those calling for an investigation and for his sacking because they only see the racist angle who are portrayed as unreasonable especially as his black colleagues agree to defend him against such accusations

He then ends up in the school system where he tries to make a difference despite the failings of that system. You could argue it's a white saviour trope yet as he ultimately fails to keep Duquan from becoming the next Bubbles then he's not a very good saviour.

The point, calling the Wire woke is no different then idiots who see racism everywhere. The world in reality is not black or white, it's grey, and no show captures this better than The Wire


Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
The central premise of CRT is that racism is baked into the legal system

Lol, no it isnt. Its a complete societial view. Thats why there is such focus on language, etc.

Prez is a great example. White dude, held in place by his relationship to other old white man (intergenerational wealth). He is completely incompetent, except for doing menial paperwork. Regularly fucks shit up, resulting in the death of a great black man. Which he ultimately is not required to pay for. He then goes to his rightful place, at the bottom of the social heap, trying to be white Jesus for black kids.

Woke in shows doesnt show, as you put:
if it were truly woke then white people as a whole would be constantly shown to be getting ahead at the expense of blacks

Instead it shows the denegration of straight white males. Straight white men arent allowed to be moral (Bunk), strong (Daniels), etc. They are only allowed to be broken (McNulty), incompetent (Prez), racist and violent (that one cop, cant remember the name), gay as fuck (Rawls), lazy fucks (the 2 old detectives, one retired, the other almost threw himself down a flight of stairs for a pension), or a greedy politician (carcetti).

The fact you dont even understand how intersectionality manifests itself in media, means there isnt really a point in talking to you about this.

This shit started to permeate media in the 90s.

At best, you could say it was due to "unconscious bias" by the liberal hollywood types that installed these tropes into the show. The first few seasons it was there, but the show was good, and it was not over the top brow beating bullshit.

Season 5, hell late season 4, it went full blown woke as fuck.

Hell, utilizing the premise of CRT, one could say this show did not provide the positive straight white role models someone such as myself could associate with and see myself as. But a progressive leftist fuck would argue that is "justice" because "present racism is required to make up for past racism" etc etc.

I dunno why the fuck I'm defending this position with you, you suck dick for cocaine man.

You literally put dick in your mouth, for cocaine.

I'm not sure why I expect you would actually know what the fuck your talking about.
  • 1Picard
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<Gold Donor>
Cannot believe this argument is making me side with Ossoi, but he's absolutely right. The Wire is "woke", rofl
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Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
The last season, sure as fuck is.

All I need to know is Brutal disagrees. Thats about as good a bellweather as you can get on this shit.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
You're getting owned by the least popular poster on the board. Give it up.


Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
Again, the 2 bellweathers here are telling me I'm right on the money.

Regardless of that, I'm not the type of person that minds social / peer pressure.

So no thx, I'm good.

Season 5 woke trash, with shitty writing, horrible plot, Snoop might be the most annoying per minute female in the history of TV.

Fuck I forgot the academic, Lester. Lol.


<Silver Donator>
Yeah my woke detector is pretty fucking fine tuned nowadays.

But the wire ain't it chief.
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Tranny Chaser
Lol, no it isnt. Its a complete societial view. Thats why there is such focus on language, etc.

I'll stop replying now, because you've demonstrated you don't know what Critical Race Theory is (unless you're using it as the Christopher Rufo umbrella term which is a catch all for everything woke on race)

Not only do you not understand it, you also aren't keeping up with my posts because I already said it has now used as a lens through which to view society as a whole - that doesn't change the fact CRT started in Harvard Law School as an analysis of the legal system

(And it's like you ignored everything I wrote about Prez and just cherry picked aspects of his story that suit your argument)

At the end of the day it's a show about Baltimore, not fucking England in the 6th century - yeah there's gonna be black people, get over it


Tranny Chaser

Hell, utilizing the premise of CRT, one could say this show did not provide the positive straight white role models

Jesus Christ, there are no positive role models of any ethnicity. That's literally the whole point - everyone is guilty or corrupt or perpetuating the cycle.

Woke would be if whitey was blamed for everything in the show, except this doesn't happen

It's ironically like Littledinger said, though I can't be arsed to look up exact quote - they're all spokes on the wheel

Why the fuck do you need positive role models anyway? I know your mental age is that of a child but come on

This isn't a mainstream show, it's viewing figures sucked. The very first scene and the volume of slang make it highly inaccessible for mainstream audiences


privileged excrementlord
The Wire, woke?
disappointed the wire GIF
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Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
Yeah you dont get it. At all.

Thats fine. You have eaten enough disco biscuits and dick that its not a shock.

CRT is just the manifestation of intersectionality, progressivism, Leninism, Bolshevikism, cultural Marxism, etc. Its not some special thing. At least not in the "parlence of our times". Nobody gives a fuck about some legal shit from the 70s, thats just a single point on the timeline. As we have it right now, CRT, woke, progressive, leftist, are all pretty synonymous. You can argue X has Y specifically, and Z doesnt have A specifically, or B doesnt refer to C specifically. But yeah, its all the same pile of shit, just different turds.

Bunk and Lester were both pretty fucking positive role models imo. Hell, as was Daniels. Shit, and Colvin.

Could even make an argument that McNulty's broken ass was a positive role model. Marlo, Wey Bey (or whatever), Bubbles . . . the boxer / gym guy. There were a bunch of positive role models. Shit, Steve Earl would even work imo.

Leon Leon dunno what to tell you man, when was the last time you watched season 5?


<Silver Donator>
when was the last time you watched season 5?
i did a full rewatch 3 months ago with a friend.

And i mean woke shit irks me to the point i'm an insufferable cunt about about it to people in threads here. Be it WoW, marvel, disney shit etc. I sniff that shit out from a mile away.

My radar isn't going off on the wire.