The issue with Yen is mostly how she is written. She has always been smug and cunty in the books and games, but not the kind of outright evil twat who takes pleasure in her peers being turned into eels and used as batteries for the wiz house lights forever. The character, as it exists in the series, is just unlikable and unsympathetic outside of seeing her giant ta-tas. Maybe the writing can fix that part, but maybe not. The casting choice, well the girl can act well enough, but casting an Indian in a role that has a very well defined description that does not jibe with her big slurpy stirring nose and round non-Nordic face just smacks of "diversity hire". A great actor/actress can be ignored in that situation (Elba as Heimdal, Swinton as Sorcerer Supreme, ect), but she is not in that bracket of actress. Pair that with it leaking that they were specifically looking for a Wakandan to play Ciri, and its infuriating bullshit for those of us who want the source material honored. If she gets better than being just a giant cunt attached to a set of tits and the writing improves, then I will revise that assessment. But for now, it is just another example of Netflix gonna Netflix.
The Triss casting is a total disaster, however. Like Black Starfire in TT bad. She cannot act and looks absolutely nothing like the character in the source material. The giant fucking Brahma looking dude who was captain of the Temerian guard, in a country that had no other apparent black people? He did his part well enough that I was fine with it. Same with the Scolatai Wakandan and the guy at the Sorcerer Lodge. The Triss actress though could not be worse if it was Tyler Perry in drag playing the part. As someone who both read the books and played the games, its completely rage inducing. If you are going to brownwash characters from well established source material, you better make fucking sure the person can act and act well. We are getting a reverse Lazuras from Tropic Thunder without the humor.
The Triss casting is a total disaster, however. Like Black Starfire in TT bad. She cannot act and looks absolutely nothing like the character in the source material. The giant fucking Brahma looking dude who was captain of the Temerian guard, in a country that had no other apparent black people? He did his part well enough that I was fine with it. Same with the Scolatai Wakandan and the guy at the Sorcerer Lodge. The Triss actress though could not be worse if it was Tyler Perry in drag playing the part. As someone who both read the books and played the games, its completely rage inducing. If you are going to brownwash characters from well established source material, you better make fucking sure the person can act and act well. We are getting a reverse Lazuras from Tropic Thunder without the humor.

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