Maybe he got infected with one of those ear worm things from Wrath of Khan.
Yeah, agreed. But it'd be 100x better if they just did the obvious thing directors have done for decades -- text on the screen. "Five years ago".
Its like they've all decided they're gonna do it some artsy subtle way and it always fails. I can't think of a single split timeline movie or show where they refused to tell you "five year ago" and it actually worked.
Unrelated to the above.
Gold dragon episode was retarded in so many ways. I'm ready to let the dragon nonsense itself go as a filler monster of the week episode. But the relationship shit with Yennifer is so stupid. So far Geralt has given exactly one indication of even liking her - when he said she smells good (which is hysterical itself given the casting. They really should have changed that line. Its like if they raceswapped a black chick into the role and then kept a line about how fine and silky her hair was).
Now its all weepy "you've already lost her" "I'm so sad I cant have a baby" melodrama. I'd hope its the end of her screen time but from what I've read I guess she remains a main character?
You'll also be shocked to hear that many black women have curly hairBefore you said Yennifer's actress is unattractive, now Indian women stink? For the first, are we watching the same show? For the second, ever date or hook up with an Indian woman who takes care of herself?
Maybe I was lucky to notice these things, but I realized there were at least two timelines approximately 30-40 years apart in the first episode. Queen Calanthe tells Ciri how she won her first battle when she was as young as her. Then the very next scene someone was telling Geralt that the young queen Calanthe just won her first battle. I think in the same episode, after Stregobor describes how he is capturing girls for his experiments in his tower, one of the next scenes had Mousesack telling Ciri that years ago they would have locked girls like her up in a tower.I thought Cavill did a great job in his role, but I thought the show as a whole was extremely disjointed. It probably took me half the season to even realize what was going on with all the jumps in time.
Every super hero movie ever essentiallyFurther proof you don't need to be a well-made show to be a big hit.
Every super hero movie ever essentially
Most MCU movies are well crafted movies on a technical level. This is a mess of shitty editing, narrative, casting, direction, and a host of other problems. I think it gets away with a lot of it because it's such an incomprehensible mess that people can't quite get a grip on it, and so can't focus on it enough to see its many problems.