The game magic is mysterious too and I guess there can be a quality to that, but it's hard to accept some of the plot problems random magic creates.
Some of it should be unknown, but there should be a couple hard and fast "rules" that form some kind kind of framework for the viewer/reader/player.
It's not hard. The chaos magic aspect is cool, but should be expanded upon so it's better understood, which just makes the premise of its use more interesting.
They could also do simple shit like a sorcerer has limited power in a holy place or in the presence of children or something. Other things can be unknown but it would just be nice to understand how far reaching magic in that universe is. They elude to it being pretty vast, curses turning people into abominations, control of the elements, mind control on mass levels, teleportation, the ability to move objects violently from a distance including snapping a human neck instantly from any angle or position, forcefields that can essentially function as a entire defense force to the point it literally stalled a FUCKING SEIGE via one man, unlimited communication over vast distances, shapeshifting, the ability to read someone's mind, locating people anywhere in the world with almost zero effort, permanently changing your appearance, healing, disputing nature (animals etc), TURNING INTO A FUCKING DRAGON (or vice versa but cmon) turning into someone else, superior physical ability/super reflexes.......I mean....fuck I could still go on.
All of this is awesome, great. But the show kind of just forgets about the weight behind some of this shit and it begins to function as plot solving lazy writing, simply there because it has to be, or it solves some dilemma etc. Its kind of like the Jedi force run in episode one. When you first see it your like oh shit that's tight! Then you NEVER SEE IT AGAIN and start to realize how fucking dumb it is because they could of escaped countless encounters after that if they would just have used it again.