He mentioned in an interview that his training regimen was 6 months prior to the movie, and that consisted of 2 hours every morning and 1 hour every evening. He also mentioned the strict diet. It's not outlandish to think he'd be ripped with that amount of work and dedication.Haven't seen this movie or read the thread, but did it come up that action stars in hollywood are all on steroids now?
This is a 44 year old dude:
4) Steroids/HGH.I suspect you underestimate three things:
1) As you underlined: the difference in goals. Jackman wants good muscle mass, low body fat, but does not care about power, endurance or speed. Your NFL players want speed or power+weight.
2) On top of his training, Jackman benefits here from a professional photo shoot.
3) To reach his aesthetic goal, Jackman can be on a diet that would be of little use for an athlete and use supplements (without going into steroids) that a professional athlete is not allowed to use.
PS: Isn't it a little sad that Jackman spent probably more time exercising than the writers spent writing?
Next question should.. why the fuck do they care?4) Steroids/HGH.
Who cares? Why does someone always get so defensive when anyone mentions action stars juicing? Why the fuck wouldn't they?
You do know that Wolverine had to go with the bone claws for a while in the comic as well right? Deadpool had his mouth back and the correct amount of facial scarring at the end of Origins. And IIRC a good deal of Juggernaut's actual power in the comics came from a gem and not hsi mutant genes (so could be removed).) Or am I just going through another delusional dementia phase of my alzheimers?Having something like wolverines claws being broken? Having juggernauts powers turned off? Taking away Deadpool's mouth and giving him eye lasers? Those are fundamentally against those characters. That's the problem.
It's not impossible to believe, it's impossible to understand WHY he wouldn't use that shit. He's got the money to have it supervised and do it safely.Paul George is 45, why is it so hard to believe that Huge Jackedman could look like this after a year or more of intense training?
it wasn't the bone part of his claws being broken that is the problem. it's the adamantium part of those broken claws. Deadpool getting his mouth back is all well and good, but that was only for SOME movie theatres. there was, what, 4 different post credit endings? and that still doesn't explain the stupid eye beams. juggernaut, i will admit has lost his powers several times. that being said, he's not a mutant. so Leech doesn't affect him. his powers are magical. why does the difference matter in this context? simply because they wanted to shoehorn in a popular character.You do know that Wolverine had to go with the bone claws for a while in the comic as well right? Deadpool had his mouth back and the correct amount of facial scarring at the end of Origins. And IIRC a good deal of Juggernaut's actual power in the comics came from a gem and not hsi mutant genes (so could be removed).) Or am I just going through another delusional dementia phase of my alzheimers?
So mysterious..... Kabaddi?I've played one of the most physical team sports in the world
Probably because athletes train for endurance and interval strength, not hypertrophy.I can guarantee you not even our most fit/ripped athletes look that shredded