Yesterday you posted someridiculous hypothetical inside of another ridiculous hypothetical* as justification for butchering civilians.Those poor poor Palestinian children. All they want is peace and happiness.
If you didn't understand the Antartica reference then you weren't paying attention. I'm not going to fucking quote everything for your stupid ass. Why didn't you post the other picture? That's right, because that woman blew herself up. A nice happy family picture of innocent palestinians.Yesterday you posted someridiculous hypothetical inside of another ridiculous hypothetical* as justification for butchering civilians.Today you're implying that if the clothing and toys are just so then you personally can not be trusted with the welfare of children.* argument method usually reserved for hormonally fluxed women
Internet troll or hormone(estrogen?) fueled child killer(future/past)? Only Yahweh knows the answer. (Tranny cop. The answer is predatory transvestite cop. Guessing correctly means that you win the game.)
You are one ignorant dipshit. You are saying kids dressing up as soldiers is the same thing as dressing up as a fucking suicide bomber. Where the fuck is your outrage over the shit that is going on in Africa?Some of you are really dense , there is zero justification to level city blocks because some fuck heads launched rockets at you. I mean i have been reading up on this for a long time , and the shit Israel does to non Israelis is fucking straight up nazi shit. None of you have been given the luxury of living in an area where you are looked as some sub human. Its all over the world , this just happens to be a country that is being supported by the US and only because some german fucktard wanted to eradicate the race of these people. Sigh , never is it ok to kill innocents in any situation...the people that are human shields are combatants as far as im concerned. But thats not what is being talked about here , you morons like to lump those innocent kids into this for some insane reason and say its ok because you found a picture of them dressed as soldiers , do you think they understand the meaning of that , hell my Son likes to dress as a ninja...yet they were responsible for some heinous shit. Yeah , think about that.....and the other costumes your child likes to wear or act as...sigh shit like this should be common sense to at least poke into that pathetic of a brain you have inside that wasted space between your ears.
Is is really that hard to say its fucked up those innocents being killed and not come up with bullshit like you seem to do. You are justifying the death of babies and kids as being ok because the adults force these kids to learn from some text book of Jewish Propaganda. Again , since when does one have to support someone because you want to see this insane shit that Israel doing as being Pro Hamas , what is wrong with you? Israel is the sole source of problem in that region , and saying you dont pay much attention to history in the same sentence is funny as hell. Control of Israel has been the WHOLE reason conflict exists , from a religious perspective of course. Sigh , misinformation is in your blood , get it cleansed and actually take a step back and take in whats going on there and prior to the creation of Israel and even as far back as the Egyptians. All relevant...educate yourself fool.Drivel to justify insane shit
Huh , the fuck is the difference...they both kill people. That not registering in that head of yours? Also the second question , why the fuck would i want to live in Israel when i might get hit from a rocket...I hear Dubai is nice , they have fucking indoor Ski Resorts...hear about that crazy shit?!?You are one ignorant dipshit. You are saying kids dressing up as soldiers is the same thing as dressing up as a fucking suicide bomber. Where the fuck is your outrage over the shit that is going on in Africa?
If you had to live in one country in the Middle East, would you pick Israel or a Muslim one? Go move your family to a Muslim one so your daughter can go get raped then be forced to marry the rapist or die.
Huh , the fuck is the difference...they both kill people.
Sigh, you are one ignorant person. The gall of you telling someone to educate themselves, while you essentially contradict yourself in consecutive posts.Israel is the sole source of problem in that region
Soldiers are the same as suicide bombers in your mind. Ok then...Huh , the fuck is the difference...they both kill people. That not registering in that head of yours? Also the second question , why the fuck would i want to live in Israel when i might get hit from a rocket...I hear Dubai is nice , they have fucking indoor Ski Resorts...hear about that crazy shit?!?
The difference my liberal arts friend is intent. Hamas targets civilians as a matter of policy, Israel kills civilians by accident. Unless you think killing anyone is bad...then I, as the spokes person of reality have nothing to say to you.Huh , the fuck is the difference...they both kill people.
The hell , of course they would keep i said control of that piece of land has been the sole reasons of war there...will never end at least i dont see any reasonable outcome where it will cease. Shit just cant be fixed.So if Israel was to collectively pack it in and move to NW Nebraska, the whole ME region would join hands and sing Kumbaya and start upon a ME renaissance with understanding, rule of law and peace as their goals? Im'a bet they'd just fight each other over who descended from Muhammad.
I dunno about that. That region has been fought over for centuries and will probably continue to be, the current controller of the area is just one in a long list of conquerors(which includes arabs). Not sure why you think if you removed "Israel" all the problems would just vanish. Especially because so much is religious based ideas and thus anything but yours is "bad".Israel is the sole source of problem in that region
Hope you're not a fan of booze......why the fuck would i want to live in Israel when i might get hit from a rocket...I hear Dubai is nice , they have fucking indoor Ski Resorts...hear about that crazy shit?!?
The hell , of course they would keep i said control of that piece of land has been the sole reasons of war there...will never end at least i dont see any reasonable outcome where it will cease. Shit just cant be fixed.
This ladies and gentlemen, is Osiris the Everliving, scholar of the middle east.Israel is the sole source of problem in that region
But...I thought Israels existence was the cause of the fighting? You seem to be saying it's the parcel of land no matter who owns it?The hell , of course they would keep i said control of that piece of land has been the sole reasons of war there...will never end at least i dont see any reasonable outcome where it will cease. Shit just cant be fixed.
Khalid, you just need to educate yourself.This ladies and gentlemen, is Osiris the Everliving, scholar of the middle east.
Only reason i say Israel is because thats the name of the land at this point , not sure what else to call it , Holy Land? Anyone with any sort of knowledge of that area knows that is the sole reason of conflict there , 3 major religions have significant places there of great importance. I agree both sides are to blame , but one is more civilized as people that support them here say they are should have more restraint in controlling that problem. The numbers are insane on how much ordinance has been launched into Gaza , its just outright mindboggling.I dunno about that. That region has been fought over for centuries and will probably continue to be, the current controller of the area is just one in a long list of conquerors(which includes arabs). Not sure why you think if you removed "Israel" all the problems would just vanish. Especially because so much is religious based ideas and thus anything but yours is "bad".
As for innocent civilians, shit sucks and both sides are to blame, as both have civilian deaths on their hand, but what war/conflict doesn't. Not sure which is worse the civilian deaths from what should be accurate fire(who knows could be deliberate, could be guidance malfunction, bad intelligence or just shitty soldiers) or what seems to be random rocket fire into populated areas(where you don't seem to care what or who you hit, just launch and hope for the best).