Your average Israeli no longer sees a path to viable peace. They see an increasingly hostile Muslim world with no precedent for peaceful co-habitation with ones neighbors. Yet somehow the world expects Palestinians to "buck the world trend of stomping your non muslim infidel neighbors", even though the "government" Israel is expected to negotiate with is basically ISIS Lite, admitting a few weeks back they were in fact responsible for the kidnapping/murder of those three teens. Then, if you're watching Israeli TV, you get a guided tour of all those tunnels exiting right outside day care facilities in the south, and again the top concern on your mind becomes security. If you're an Israeli, your gambit of trading security for peace occurred in Gaza in 2006 with the unilateral withdrawal, and that fat olive branch of peace resulted in Hamas being voted in and INCREASING violence and threats against Israel. The effort to get a majority Knesset vote to support that Israeli withdrawal in 2006 took huge political effort and was a major debate amongst Israelis, with The Right warning that land/governance appeasement would not get Israel peace. They were overwhelmingly correct of course, which is why Likud is in power today. Israel will continue to try to forge some form of peace with Fatah, but the reality now is that Israel no longer believes that Palestinians really want peace, and those that do, even if voted in, can't be trusted to control their more violent factions.. Same tribal/factional bullshit reasons why the rest of the Arab world can't seem to live in peace either.