Thieves Oil


Molten Core Raider
I've mentioned in the religion thread that people who believe in woo are more frustrating to deal with than the religious. It's for the exact reason that you said Brutal that any evidence is considered propaganda. What's more likely... that big corporations own worldwide the government agencies, the universities, the independent labs, the disease control centers and the disease societies. Or that maybe, just maybe, the blog they read on the internet written by a "naturopath" who took a two weekend course was bullshit. Of course a global conspiracy against $50 a bottle sugar water is the truth!

At least the religious people can hold onto some sad deistic non-intervention nothing god. The woo people are conspiracy theorists who flat out ignore mountains of evidence that is right in front of them.


FPS noob
if you drink the urine of a child under 5 years, it cures all ailments. its just middle eastern science



Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Nathan_sl said:
It might be surprising but keeping a straight face in many of the situations we get into on the show is quite difficult for me. I began to realize that I'll sometimes do this thing where I act like I'm picking a piece of food out of my back teeth to cover the fact that I'm smiling. Then if I can't get it together within a few seconds, I might ask for some dental floss or something because I've clearly been picking at this tooth for 20 seconds or so.

Some moments that stand out off the top of my head would be the Gas Station episode where the owner told me that he drinks his grandson's urine to ward off fear. I often laugh when I feel uncomfortable too, so I remember having to turn my head away a couple times during the realtor segment when she was getting the exorcism. There are many more, but I can't recall them right now.


Karazhan Raider
I really wish the FDA would jack boot it up more with all this snake oil bullshit. Homeopathy, Dietary Supplements, Probiotics, Oxygenated Water (This one really rustles me for some reason), etc.
Dietary supplements? You mean like iron, vitamin A, folic acid, etc.? Because that shit isn't snake oil, though the effects of taking oral supplements probably aren't as good as most think


Musty Nester
I'd agree there needs to be more stringent requirements to stop this dumb shit. Fools and their money are easily parted though and most of this garbage is as harmless to the user as it is the crap they are trying to cure or prevent.
It can be harmful when its used as a replacement.

When I was younger, a friend of mines father said it best to us one evening when I was having dinner over there. "If you have a toothache, you'll go to the dentist right? That's not even a decision that's just sense. Why, in Gods name, is it that when these idiots have heart attacks they go looking for snake oil solutions?"


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Dietary supplements? You mean like iron, vitamin A, folic acid, etc.? Because that shit isn't snake oil, though the effects of taking oral supplements probably aren't as good as most think
My understanding is that unless you're pregnant, suffering from third world levels of malnutrition or have a diagnosed deficiency for some other reason you just piss all that shit out.


Musty Nester
Depends if it's water or fat soluble. Fat solubles can get you into trouble. For example -- Iron and Calcium share an uptake path in digestion. It's a partial pressure kind of situation. Also the body has no efficient excretion path for iron. I'm not saying that iron supplements are bad for you, i'm only saying that they can create problems which you'll never see with something like vitamin c.

Water solubleswilljust get pissed out. Fat solubles might or might not just get pooped out.


Lord Nagafen Raider
So do you believe Chiropractic services is also a crock of shit? Lot of the same shit that's being spouted here was said 20-30 years ago about that. I actually dated a girl years ago that was a registered homeopathic "Doctor" and some of her shit actually did work (not all of it admittedly). Just asked if anyone had any experiences with it but I should have expected the peanut gallery coming out in full force. Shit...I'm a 100% believer in western medicine and was actually of Pre-Med in college (until I figured out I don't want to help sick people all the time) but I also don't have such a myopic view of things and will slam the door on hundreds/thousands of years of alternative medicine.


Poet Warrior
The founder of chiropractic believed thatallhuman ailments originated in the spine. Syphilis? Spine. Mental retardation? Spine. High blood pressure? Spine.

The modern practice is one of distancing itself from that rather ignorant base assumption so as not to have their entire profession irrevocably humiliated and rendered obsolete and extinct.

I also agree that in the modern world, the mos maiorum isalwaysthe correct way. So can we bring back bleeding, exorcism, slavery, and cupping yet? It was practiced for centuries so it must be right.... right?


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Subluxation does not occur, this is a fact, and yet was the core of chiropractics.

That said, the field has moved beyond the nonsense of its origins, in the same way chemistry is no longer about alchemy.

But if you're attending a chiropractic doctor who is popping your neck and spine with his hands, and has a degree from a diploma mill, you're attending a quack.

Same goes with acupuncture.

There is no 100s or 1000s of years of "alternative medicine". Alternative medicine is a recent phenomena with a foundation in new age spiritualism and hippy dipshits.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
So do you believe Chiropractic services is also a crock of shit? Lot of the same shit that's being spouted here was said 20-30 years ago about that. I actually dated a girl years ago that was a registered homeopathic "Doctor" and some of her shit actually did work (not all of it admittedly). Just asked if anyone had any experiences with it but I should have expected the peanut gallery coming out in full force. Shit...I'm a 100% believer in western medicine and was actually of Pre-Med in college (until I figured out I don't want to help sick people all the time) but I also don't have such a myopic view of things and will slam the door on hundreds/thousands of years of alternative medicine.
Chiropractic services are a mixture of amateur physical therapy, massage, and horseshit. The ratio depends on the chiropractor. Homeopathy is placebos. That's all. It doesn't "work" because you are basically paying for nothing. Anything can help if you believe it, but that doesn't mean it's a legitimate therapy.


Tranny Chaser
Chiropractic other than the physical part is bs, especially that which leans on Palmer. Whether or not something is true for one thing does not mean it's automatically true for something else on the basis that you see a weak similarity or correlation. Your personal experience is not really grade A evidence - anecdotal belongs to the lowest category of evidence. As for homeopathy, this has never been shown to work in a scientific double blinded study, nor do any meta analysis show any effect - as in peer reviewed and published in respectable scientific journals. You know, science, not claims and appeal to historical usage. Since you know differently, I'm thinking there is a Nobel Prize waiting for you - go get it now, be famous, prove us wrong.
Pre-med didn't teach you critical thinking, the scientific method, basic science studies, medical statistics, pharmacology, biochemistry, physiology or any of the basics for understanding this subject? You're slinging straw man fallacies like a monkey slings poop. No one is slamming the door on anything. The difference is, the pharmaceuticals of the western world are big on identifying the active ingredients, compounds, analyzing them, categorizing them, testing them in clinical trials etc. so as to recognize the mechanisms and actual properties - interactions, toxcicity and finally medicinal usages. It seems the only ones hell bent on wanting something to not be examined are the self proclaimed experts on natural or alternative medicine.

Do you even pharma?


Blackwing Lair Raider
So do you believe Chiropractic services is also a crock of shit? Lot of the same shit that's being spouted here was said 20-30 years ago about that. I actually dated a girl years ago that was a registered homeopathic "Doctor" and some of her shit actually did work (not all of it admittedly). Just asked if anyone had any experiences with it but I should have expected the peanut gallery coming out in full force. Shit...I'm a 100% believer in western medicine and was actually of Pre-Med in college (until I figured out I don't want to help sick people all the time) but I also don't have such a myopic view of things and will slam the door on hundreds/thousands of years of alternative medicine.
Most of the homeopathic stuff works in the same way sugar pills work. The dilution they state in the homeopathic stuff is so low tap water is basically the active ingredient. So save money drink tap water. The actual manipulations of the spine that chiropractors do can help but that is one of the few things they do that has actual real benefit thats not placebo.


I'm Amod too!
So do you believe Chiropractic services is also a crock of shit? Lot of the same shit that's being spouted here was said 20-30 years ago about that. I actually dated a girl years ago that was a registered homeopathic "Doctor" and some of her shit actually did work (not all of it admittedly). Just asked if anyone had any experiences with it but I should have expected the peanut gallery coming out in full force. Shit...I'm a 100% believer in western medicine and was actually of Pre-Med in college (until I figured out I don't want to help sick people all the time) but I also don't have such a myopic view of things and will slam the door on hundreds/thousands of years of alternative medicine.
Lumie tried hard to be open to 'alternatives' and look where that got him. I'll take my "close minded" science over your Steve Jobs bullshit cures any day of the week.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
One of the deals with suppliments is the shit you buy at wal-mart is just that, shit. I was low on magnesium. The magnesium you get over the counter everywhere is magnesium oxide which is a fancy word for a laxative. You can get a different type of magnesium of that's more easily absorbed and works much better without the side effects, but it's not super cheap. Same thing when I had to get B12. The good stuff you take under the tongue and is different than the stuff you get down at the local walgreens.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Chiropractic other than the physical part is bs, especially that which leans on Palmer. Whether or not something is true for one thing does not mean it's automatically true for something else on the basis that you see a weak similarity or correlation. Your personal experience is not really grade A evidence - anecdotal belongs to the lowest category of evidence. As for homeopathy, this has never been shown to work in a scientific double blinded study, nor do any meta analysis show any effect - as in peer reviewed and published in respectable scientific journals. You know, science, not claims and appeal to historical usage. Since you know differently, I'm thinking there is a Nobel Prize waiting for you - go get it now, be famous, prove us wrong.
Pre-med didn't teach you critical thinking, the scientific method, basic science studies, medical statistics, pharmacology, biochemistry, physiology or any of the basics for understanding this subject? You're slinging straw man fallacies like a monkey slings poop. No one is slamming the door on anything. The difference is, the pharmaceuticals of the western world are big on identifying the active ingredients, compounds, analyzing them, categorizing them, testing them in clinical trials etc. so as to recognize the mechanisms and actual properties - interactions, toxcicity and finally medicinal usages. It seems the only ones hell bent on wanting something to not be examined are the self proclaimed experts on natural or alternative medicine.

Do you even pharma?
Hey, I'm as skeptical as anyone on most of this shit and healthy skepticism is good, BUT I also trust the actual experiences/anecdotes that people have with things which is all I was looking for and this became a philosophical debate over nothing. As an aside, this is what the premise of this goddamn message board is based on, anecdotes about their experiences with video games (among other things).