Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Rotten Tomatoes has Beverly Hills Cop 3 at 10%, which is all the proof you need to know that site is garbage.
Too high?
- 1
Rotten Tomatoes has Beverly Hills Cop 3 at 10%, which is all the proof you need to know that site is garbage.
Was Beverly Hills Cop 3 the one that had the finale act at the amusement park?
If so, 10% is too high a rating lol
Yep, that's the one. Thought it was funny as shit, the fact that he pulls this scene off never gets old when I see it flipping through tv. HE RAN UP THOSE STAIRS
When I was a little kid I thought the whole theme park thing was awesome. It was a sad sad day when I realized out it was actually a pretty bad movie.
I'm not claiming it's a cinematic masterpiece, but it's absolutely hysterical to me. I put it in the same "awesomely terrible" category as Demolition Man and Last Action Hero.
I dunno, that "Get help" cracked me the fuck up.SURTUR "Thor, Son of Odin!"
THOR "Surtur, Son of... a bitch you'e still alive?"
Best line... sets the tone for the rest of the movie. Watched it again last night still makes me laugh, great movie.
I'm not claiming it's a cinematic masterpiece, but it's absolutely hysterical to me. I put it in the same "awesomely terrible" category as Demolition Man and Last Action Hero.