Molten Core Raider
- 454
- 534
Seriously though, have you ever banged an Asian chick?
It's like sticking your dick in a wire brush.
The hairy bush is pretty much a Japanese thing only. In my experience, the rest typically go for the full shave.Why asian chicks like so much to have a forest betwern their legs?
Dont let the door hit you in your vagina on the way out.i think I'm just about done with this forum
Fuck you you chink American Inventor Bagel Eater rag head cracker mother fucker. Who made you the moral authority?someone's gotta be the moral compass around here
This deserves 25 days in the den.Fuck you you chink American Inventor Bagel Eater rag head cracker mother fucker. Who made you the moral authority?
Ohh...I'm outside the loop on racial ephiphets. I try not to use them.I ties
and a hundred more I can't recall right now.
DREAMER is a mexican (or cuban or peurto rican depending on where you live), comes from hiSPanIC.
My favorite is what wops call blacks. Moolies.
your political career is overI got infractedPretty sure its the asian's fault.
Nah. I just cant use the n word. All the others are acceptable apparently.your political career is over
I can live with it.