way overrated. i saw all the "Free Tiger King" and Carole Baskin memes and thought this was a must see and that joe exotic was some kind of american hero who was framed.
Joe exotic is a pile of shit who hired other piles of shit and got himself in every bind he's in right now.
Kirkham guy burned his own shit down because he coudnt sell his reality show and wasted his time. maybe his meth ran out.
Jeff Lowe is the real villain here, dude selling everyone down the river to save his own ass.
Carole Baskins is just your typical lady boss with a twist of cult leader, amazing how she dupes those dumb fucks into working for free because of a tshirt. i dont think she killed her husband, i think her husband was into some shit in Costa Rica and either he got disappeared by those guys or he did himself in through some shady venture gone wrong.
Doc Antle is a sleazy pimp cultmaster, he's probably the real big bad of the bunch, but he's so smart about what he's doing that he aint ever getting caught.
the GW zoo people are varying grades of broken. nothing against them other than is life so bad that you would eat expired walmart food just to pet a tiger which may rip your arm off?
overall not bad, somewhat entertaining, only thing that kept me watching was the hope for a payoff at the end, no payoff, just a spotlight on how shitty people with mutual interests can be to each other.
if GoT had ended with GRRM riding that jetski into the sunset, i would agree.No payoff? NO PAYOFF?? The whole thing was 8 episodes of build up to the greatest payoff in modern history.
If GoT had ended this way it would have redeemed everything else in season 8
ive seen crazy shit, i know some crazy people. believe me, this was mediocre.Dude, what the fuck is it that you're watching that is more interesting and outrageous than this show?
lol, that stuff is just what hooples do. i know plenty of hooples and they do hoople shit daily.Dude I know some crazy people too, but come on. This motherfucker made like 400 episodes of "The Fuck Carole Baskin Show" for an audience of virtually no one. He owned a roadside zoo, ran for governor, and participated in a homosexual polygamous marriage with two straight men. It's ok to still experience wonder at the world, bro.
i wouldnt have watched this show ever, i started seeing all these memes, posts in the politics thread referencing it. even people in general chat in EQ talking about it. so i finally said whatever and threw it on. it was fairly fast moving. it felt like a soap opera for bumpkins, i dont get the whole big cat fixation, i dont care about what fag relationships are like, i dont care about what its like to live inside those 3 cults, there was no magic for me. i wish i could say "wow this was amazeballs , glad i watched it. that small lady clearly killed that large man and somehow carried his body over to the lions and they ate him whole. bones and all!" instead after the whole thing ended i was like, "thats it? thats what everyone is losing their minds over? huh" .This isn't new Astr0 behavior. He couldn't claim he watched this show before it was popular, so he has to shit on it instead. Since it's a decently well-made show, he has to get "creative" with how he does it.
her husband was dealing with drug dealers most likely to get those tigers trafficked.Did anyone else catch the bit where a Tiger drags Joe Exotic around and he accuses Carole Baskin of hiring someone to put perfume in his shoes to attract Tigers?
She responds by saying that perfume gets a friendly reaction and you'd have to use something like fish oil to get them to attack. I think she confessed her murder method lol.
You are so cool and such an edgelord, I mean you know people crazier than these batshit insane people...wowway overrated. i saw all the "Free Tiger King" and Carole Baskin memes and thought this was a must see and that joe exotic was some kind of american hero who was framed.
Joe exotic is a pile of shit who hired other piles of shit and got himself in every bind he's in right now.
Kirkham guy burned his own shit down because he coudnt sell his reality show and wasted his time. maybe his meth ran out.
Jeff Lowe is the real villain here, dude selling everyone down the river to save his own ass.
Carole Baskins is just your typical lady boss with a twist of cult leader, amazing how she dupes those dumb fucks into working for free because of a tshirt. i dont think she killed her husband, i think her husband was into some shit in Costa Rica and either he got disappeared by those guys or he did himself in through some shady venture gone wrong.
Doc Antle is a sleazy pimp cultmaster, he's probably the real big bad of the bunch, but he's so smart about what he's doing that he aint ever getting caught.
the GW zoo people are varying grades of broken. nothing against them other than is life so bad that you would eat expired walmart food just to pet a tiger which may rip your arm off?
overall not bad, somewhat entertaining, only thing that kept me watching was the hope for a payoff at the end, no payoff, just a spotlight on how shitty people with mutual interests can be to each other.