I don't think MMO's will ever be the same (dun dun dun) and, short of something completely reinvigorating the genre , are dead as we know them. MMORPGS were a product of their time. Back when people weren't in constant contact with each other and the world via facebook/twitter/instagram/voice chat the mmo offered a truely mind blowing gameplay experience (just look at all these people, and i can interact and voyage out into the world with them!!). The boring grind didn't matter because people were happy hanging out with their mates, just occasionally doing shit and advancing a bit. Of course, things changed, and the novelty of this vast world diminished as our world became more connected in real life (to the point of absurdity in my opinion but that's another discussion ;p). As this happened, the solo game was promoted (solo your way to cap!) and the less annoying time sinks were removed that while did actually forge connections between players were a bit of a drag. For example instant dungeon queuing. A game nowadays would be mad to release without dungeon queuing. I completely understand the improvement to the game it adds. However, I think this also comes at a cost where people no longer care so much about groups since they can just requeue instantly, friendships aren't encouraged and I just think the game loses a little something by having them. But that's the way it is, things have changed and you can't go back. The state of the games being released is a little bizarre to me actually, why bother creating these huge worlds then fill them with bland bear ass quests, instant teleportation everywhere so you miss half of the game, and turn your cities basically into large queuing lobbies. Why make a MMORPG that will never compare to its single player variants gameplay wise and then encourage solo play right up to cap.
How to fix all this? I have no idea, not even sure its possible now. Personally, I think the current manifestation of raiding should be binned, completely. Groups should be necessary for 'levelling' or whatever system you put in place. Some guy should be able to build a farm/grow crops/dance to heal/do whatever social activity he desires, but captain dickhead should also be able to mess with this. And people should be able to mess with captain dickhead for being a dickhead. Encourage the social dynamics and drama aspect of the game. Guess this sounds like some awful pvp game that has been tried and failed before, but thats not what I mean. I think at the core of these games should be human interaction, and its up for the developer to find some way to have a game allow consequences in a meaningful manner without going overboard. Being able to instill pride to whatever macguffin you pick and then allowing someone to mess with that (slightly) is a very powerful tool, as is allowing friendships to prosper in groups. I really hoped Titan would being going down some sort of path like that, but I guess we'll never know.