There are very few good women anymore, at least in the US. Any women 7+ and under 40 has been raised without a skillset that can complement or benefit a male partner, and are so used to thirsty losers throwing shit at them in return for nothing more than their pussy, they think the only thing they need to contribute to the relationship is their physical presence. I've gone through countless women in the last decade, and most of the time it's always the same-- the bitchy demands start at the 2-3 month mark, you realize you're getting nothing in return except their pussy, so might as well just trade them in for a new model. That might sound callous, but it's the truth-- if you offer nothing more than your presence and sex, and there's an endless supply of you out there, might as well try something new. Chicks wants all the trappings of a "traditional" relationship that benefit them, but dispense with those that benefit you. They want to be taken out, the want to be picked up and driven, they want flowers and surprises, they want you to "take the lead" and plan dinners and events, they want romance, etc, etc. But rub my back, cook me dinner, decorate my house? Either not a skillset they posses anymore, or are too self-centered to do any of it.